
Exclusive pumper here and it’s weird being called a hardass. No one has shamed me for not nursing, but I feel a tinge of guilt... or maybe it’s just a regret for not having the bonding that comes with nursing. I think at this point, pumping has just become such a commonplace part of my day, and I don’t know any other

My little gals never seemed to get the hang of nursing, and with twins, it’s really hard to focus on getting a tiny baby to latch when the other tiny baby is screaming, so, I just let them have bottles. But eff me if I’m going to pay for formula for two babies, so exclusive pumping it is. 3 months in and 9 to go.

You ARE a hero. EP’ers are hardasses in my book. I nursed both of my boys for 15 months each, pumping only at work for 12 of those months and it was grueling! I paid hundreds for a lactation consultant with my second bc I was so terrified of pumping exclusively.

I understand that breast milk and feeding give something essential to the baby. But so many went without and seem fine as they grew up.

Many people are saying large dick size directly correlates with months spent at home bonding as infants. Can we roll with that study?? 

My lil guy liked breastmilk, but refused to nurse starting at about 10 weeks. My supply was pretty good, so I exclusively pumped till about a week shy of his first birthday and my production dropped to where it it was no longer worth the aggravation. We’re out there!

Between this and the Muslim Ban being upheld I’m on the verge of losing it. Fuck Mitch McConnell for stealing Obama’s last SCOTUS seat and fuck literally everyone who voted for the fascist in the Oval Office.

I support this anti-Wedge dissertation and am willing to subscribe to your anti-Wedge newsletter, if/when one becomes available, so long as you don’t give my email address to porn-spam people.

I disagree. The wedge salad is a very good salad but all salads are very good salads. Except the hideous Cobb. I enjoy the wedge salad and I will eat the wedge salad but I will only order the wedge salad so long as I will be eating something better shortly after. The wedge salad is good but has many problems.

i have a newborn and am already afraid of failing. but my husband told me he is here to teach our boy how to be a feminist man. it’s not only women’s job to raise good boys but men’s job as well.

I have a son, and I was worried too. But strong women make great sons. My son is 10 and we’ve discussed misogyny, toxic masculinity, consent, and how not to be a garbage human. It works; he knows all those things and how to avoid being an asshole.

The fact that you care enough to be scared is a good start, though. It’s the parents who dismiss the severity of issues like these that frighten me the most.

I truly hope that from now until his death, Paul Ryan is plagued by sensation that he’s just about to sneeze, yet never actually can sneeze.

If there was any justice in the world, she would be a wealthy widow by now

I just did a Google image search for “Michelle and Barack” and they look happy and awesome in each photo that came up. I couldn’t even pick just one to use here, all of them were so great. Then I got sad because I miss them.

It’s a really awkward, unfortunate length. Kind of like her marriage.

A portrait of the Trump marriage.

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

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