Donna Karan stepped down from her label in 2015. Since then and probably slightly before it has been designed entirely by Dao-Yi Chow and Maxwell Osbourne who have been doing some pretty interesting work, the above notwithstanding.
Donna Karan stepped down from her label in 2015. Since then and probably slightly before it has been designed entirely by Dao-Yi Chow and Maxwell Osbourne who have been doing some pretty interesting work, the above notwithstanding.
someone get started on the movie treatment, stat!
I would probably kill myself.
omg I have never heard of lochia, than you for the information.
its like sexism gone backwards! confusing, but I kind of dig it once I realized what was happening.
lol. this is funny.
grammar fight!
I find your pronouns very confusing.
Or the best, if you’re an uninvolved speculator. Thx for the story!!
They do that, too. Granted, I was on accutane when it was still super duper scary, back around 2010. I had to provide proof that I was on two forms of birth control. One was bc and one was “condoms,” and I still had to sign the form agreeing to never have sex on the medication. I wasn’t offended, the birth defects it…
Anybody know what Sam Skarsgard is doing? Boy is definitely my type.
Ooo zombie baby! Now that I’d like to see.
I was also thinking dwarf, which got me thinking “dies in childbirth,” like her mother. It would be a disappointing end for one of the best characters/actors on the show, but it fits with the prophecy in an unexpected way (still a “little brother” to her lost babes, but not Tyrion or Jamie like everyone is madly…
I think they know that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I used to put my food on a plate in the cupboard, close the door, then open it and pretend the meal had appeared there fully formed like on the Jetsons. Lets be friends.
I saw it and was like...Lana Del Ray??
This comment is better than the original article. <3 secondhand drama
Yeah, for all the flack GoT gets for sexism - including from me and mostly deserved imo - the diversity of looks/beauty on the show, especially among women, is an unexpected strong point. Where is it produced? I kinda assumed “hollywood” since its a venture by HBO - albeit with a lot of British actors. Brienne was…
I def agree about a lot of the men being too hot for their characters, but idk if thats exactly the reason why. I mean, GRRM totalllly described the women as pretty exclusively hot, but interestingly, thinking about it, the women cast on the show are uniformly attractive to very attractive, but to my eyes many are…
I believe it is short for “body-conscious.”