
I think the question of “why not fat suits?” has been well answered by previous commenters - if the part calls for a heavier actor or actress...just hire an actor/actress with a similar figure naturally. As for the nose, I’m not against facial prosthetics generally (Mrs. Doubtfire ftw!), particularly for biopics, but

Exactly. There’s probably some kind of breach of contract clause if Woody does something horrible while contracted with them, they can argue he didn’t live up to his end of the deal. But not when there was a media circus and constant controversy since. Zero way they can argue they had no prior knowledge. 

Thats why I am kind of in love with this lawsuit. Obviously Allen is a wanker (I get nervous for his now-teenage adopted daughters), but “this was already 100% public knowledge” is a totally valid legal argument considering the sheer amount of previous high profile reporting on it before #MeToo. At this point I think

“These ladies are like the busy body version of the gun nuts who think they’re going to a hero. I’m going to save everyone from a mass shooting with my pistol hidden in my pants!”

I just looked it up, and it appears New York is indeed a profitable company/currently turning a profit. Some might even say its booming. From Ad Age:

That bit confused me...looks like he is saying New York is not a profitable company, with ownership propping it up out of the goodness of their hearts...which doesn’t track to me. New York is one of the most prestigious publications operating today. Full disclosure: I’ve written for them before as a freelancer and

I had a similar thought. It’s also occurred to me re DV shelters - thanks for enlightening me! I dont think its the wrong way to approach it at all - these things have to be considered, but I have confidence that the women of Jinwar can figure out the best solution for them. Many are mothers after all, and know that

I had not heard of the YPJ! Thank you so much for informing me about them. They sound awesome and I will definitely be reading up. Do you know if they are particularly defending Jinwar? Cause this is exactly what I imagined when I mentioned machine guns at the end of my original comment. I have no doubt that the women

lol. I am aware that women invented farming, but it’s not like they were living in a male-free society. For sure rapes happened, but when women ruled the world its hypothesized that there was a much more free love thing happening, kinda like bonobos today. Men weren’t lone wolves raping and disappearing into the

Whats a foreigner? I’ve got news for you: women can do manual labor.

Pretty sure its a reference to Minaj’s brother, who is in jail over child porn(?)/molestation charges, I believe.

Lol. I mean, its generally rude to trash your ex in public but sometimes you have one too many vodka redbulls (assuming thats his drink of choice) and it happens. Nothing he said/tweeted struck me as particularly bad. Like, he didn’t say anything about her being bad in bed or air any medical/mental health/personal

The two masters degrees and no discernible application of them also screams “more money than sense.” 

No, it just set us up with unrealistic standards of adulthood. I was gonna add a whole other rant to my comment but decided against it. We all acknowledge that SATC was not realistic in the least financially, but career wise I feel like a lot of us have internalized its standards for creative success, as well.

Looks like I’m the only one excited for this. I rewatched in early 2018 for the first time in AGES and was shocked at how horribly sexist, racist and most importantly/severely HOMOPHOBIC the content was. Seriously, they are SO MEAN to Stanford. His storylines are 100% sidelined and his relationships are trivialized.

I’m glad you acknowledged this, because I was really offended too, at that line. I grew up in/around Atlanta, and it is indeed quite liberal, surrounded by a state that is also probably majority liberal but gerrymandered to hell. Southern racism certainly exists, but part of Atlanta and Georgia proper’s booming

Ha, well like I said its very painful and the results aren’t *that* great. There’s scarring and such, and it doesn’t look totally natural since the hair on the side of your head grows in a different direction than that at the top. It’s also vast majority men with male pattern baldness who get/got the surgery.

Yeah I was gonna clarify that in my post but got busy and said fuck it. Not to get too Reddit on your ass, but Username checks out lol. Did you make that burner just to comment? Cause its hilarious.

Really good question! I’m a science journalist so I will try to find out and get back to you. My guess is that yes - hair would grow. Hair transplants - where they take a strip of skin and hair from the side of your scalp and place it over your bald spot/crown - work and have been a thing for a while (though its a

OMG YES. Idk why exactly but she is coming off super lez in the trailer, and the clothes definitely have something to do with it despite not being your stereotypical lesbian drag (ie butch and/or androgynous). Props to the costume designer for going there. She is giving me very SATC “Power Lesbian” crossed with some