
That’s basically how I read the books. With some Tyrion thrown in to fuck shit up.

Book Dorne was so boring, I’m not surprised the show writers decided to truncate it. One of the few decisions they’ve made about where to stray/stay that I agree with.

I’m also weirdly bummed we didn’t get to see any unsullied peen (or lack thereof). It seems inequitable when we’ve seen all sorts of shit literally heaped upon women. There was a BBC show I watched briefly where one of the actors supposedly lost his dick in a shrapnel wound from WWI; they basically showed a whole full

He’s way too hot to be Euron. I can’t remember his exact description in the books, but I always pictured him old and with a long stringy beard. Or maybe that was the other Iron uncle? Still. Chewing the scenery is right.

As someone with a psych degree who writes about the subject for a living, this is one of the best articles addressing this oft-addressed question that I have ever seen. “It depends,” is not wishy washy in this context, because it is accurate. You can figure out a more precise range for you and your partner, but it

Yeahhh...As someone who drinks quite a bit more than that I felt a little judged/judgmental reading that detail, which is probably more my issue than hers. As mentioned in the article one of the biggest indicators of a drinking “problem” is wanting but not being able to cut back, and she says she exceeded her weekly

Oh jezus. wtf.

Sorry to be a pedant, but these were pre-nazis. WWI.

That part was great. I was really pleased they included it. Wonder how much pushback they got.

Just wanna say I <3 your username. made me giggle.

“the company no longer has contact details for the majority of the Patients effected...”

1. Holy Shit that is offensive and they are wrong (I always associate 2nd wave feminism with the 70s, but wikipedia tells me its technically 1960s-80s). Good on the tattoo artist for realizing what was happening. I hope you put your husband in the literal doghouse all good 7th wave feminists have for the men in their

Just Go On has gotten me through a couple of hard nights. No lie. One of my favorite songs from the show, plus the Geisha song, both from season 2. Both have made me cry.

Right? “What’s wrong with you?” Um...she’s 26 dude. She’s acting like normal 26 yr olds do. What’s wrong with YOU, Aronofsky. <Eyeroll gif>

I feel you about the “just a joke” thing (hate that) but I don’t think that’s what’s going on here. One of my favorite things I ever read on Jez was about rape jokes, the argument extending to jokes about any touchy subject. The point was who is the butt of the joke? If it’s rape victims (or ppl with Celiac, or

Oops! Sorry for starting it up again. I’m trying to find the original post so maybe I can arbitrate? Yay for inserting myself into random, meaningless internet beef.

I can’t even follow this beef but rn its more entertaining than actual morning Dirtbag. Thank you.

All of a sudden I really want to watch the Kardashians, something I have never had an inkling to do, despite being an avid pop culture enthusiast.

I disagree sort of. The live action versions of sleeping beauty and snow white were pretty cool, mostly cause they were reimagined darker and closer to the original legends, with more focus on the “evil” stepmothers. Also the costuming was gorgeous. Beauty and the Beast is one of the most beloved fairy tales. Belle

Username checks out.