Linus Ingoldsby

Same friend. Same.


Not happening.

For me the main things around then were:

That's a chokeslam, isn't it?

Dear sir\madam: Terminator 1 is a classic.


He couldn't pick a decent project. He had a bash at a load of projects that would have stunk with him or someone else in the role.

I've got the Wii U version. People say the slowdown happens in villages, and I've had that in Kakariko village, but nothing unmanageable. It's a fantastic game.

Joe Cena is my guess.

it is actually a bit fiddly for me to organise that. it keeps falling off, or there isn't space on the tv stand or whatever. Still I rise on the stepping stones of my dead self to higher things.

I love the ridiculous bottomless spite he exudes in Oh hello.

There's a remastered version coming out from Gearbox soon. Hang onto that anyway. If it makes any money it might prompt a sequel.

I think the big takeaway from DOOM was if you are going to have a hero versus a villain, make Karl Urban the villain and the Rock the hero.

rematch clause?

I believe that Powers of Pain went over and helped Fuji up, they turned heel then Demolition turned face as a result? If ths was at a summerslam, I think that's how it went down.

Because she is being paid money, she's a known name, with some fame from Total Divas.

Eva Marie isn't a woman wrestler. she's the Last Diva. She doesn't want to wrestle, which is why she engineers wardrobe malfunctions, distractions and anything she could do to avoid getting in the ring with an actual wrestler.

Last of Us would do me. If you've not played it it's fabulous.