Linus Ingoldsby

People smoked a lot in movies in the 80s. It'd be obvious (to me) that the mains weren't smoking.

Armed uprising.

The only thing to come from fucking ninjas is more ninjas.

Yeah, I'd probably buy a microtransacted decent constume instead of using that.

He's had a million costumes thouigh. I was always partial to the black and white, but they're going to have other costumes to get. They always do.

JacksSmirkingRevenge • a day ago
Alison Brie is in it? Okay. I'll give it a shot.

Then the car horn of the deceased can go off as it is squished. 'La Cucaracha' would be best.

No. I don't think I'd like it. I just don't see the point of sending someone with an antipathy about that sort of film to review it. Send Joe Bob Briggs to review a Joe Bob Briggs movie.

'The film builds, perhaps inevitably, to one of those tiresome clashes of digital armies, as two waves of fuzzy soldiers crash into each other'

The Man Skeleton Unhooked The Lady Skeletons Vertebra.

What about using 'Fuck tha police'

That's what you get for implying a dudes parents fuck tomoatoes.


I played Ministry with it I think. A good mix.


The remake I didn't like. It's not even set in a police station for most of it.

Shot in the chest after asking for raspberry ripple, and not getting it. The blood falls on her icecream, making the ripple. At least, that's how I remember it.

I say 'I don't stand up as well as I used to' a lot. Such a cool movie.

Oh right, I was speaking from the 'Nothing good' point of view. Amazing, I'll grant you. Astounding, and remarkable also spring to mind.

Ah, but if I may make a counterpoint: No it's not.