Here's a question: Out of all the stuff that gets adapted for movies and television every year, why don't more…
Here's a question: Out of all the stuff that gets adapted for movies and television every year, why don't more…
This is the third installment of Lady Killers, a series about female serial killers. Read chapters 1 and 2 here.
As a full-time writer of romance novels, I can assure you that we do know what fisting is, and we also know that words sometimes have more than one meaning! Sometimes more than two, or three!
Exactly right, Kelly.
Man, that guy just kept harping on her! He asked for a photo, she said no, making it clear she'd just take the party somewhere else, and he just kept on coming back at her. He seems awfully desperate for someone promoting "The #1 nightclub in America!"
The headline to this article is totally unnecessary. Monica Lewinsky was probably the first person to be nationally slut-shamed by the internet. She's made it clear by her actions that she has moved on with her life to the best of her ability. The fact that she was cast as a villain, and is still struggling to…
"Isn't he soooo handsome?!" During the movie I kept saying that to my 11-year-old daughter (who is decidedly pre-pubescent so she was just sort of embarrassed by my weird crush on).
I liked the first two books as well but couldn't even finish the 3rd. It was like the writer just had to get something out because the first 2 had done so well.
My sister is a big fan of the franchise (and of YA dystopia stories in general) and she liked the movie. She thought it was pretty good. She's not exactly sure what they'll do about the final book though. Apparently it was so awful that all the authors fans basically staged a mutiny and my sister texted me at 3am to…
I believe he's saying she's getting into reverse cowgirl position and then backing up so that they're 69ing.
I WONDERED what was that light I've been emitting for the last 8-1/2 years! That's pretty cool! What happens when I hit the half-century mark?
(I'm so excited ...
And I just can't hide it [obviously!])
Here's what a real woman does with an inflatable doll: