
What's complicated about Inception? It's a caper movie with 90'-tish "virtuality" sci-fi flavour and up-to-day CGI. It is a great movie, but its complexity exists only in the discussions beween hyped fans and anti-fans.

There was no "stumbling upon" the ship bridge, nor a problem one of the lesser scientist couldn't resolve - The red box clearly was an effect of the programs trying to crack the master code. Apparently, they succeded, so Rush has the master code figured out - he goes to the bridge, opens the door, walks in, messes

@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: While we all get where you are going, "adjusted for inflation" of ticket price, The Phantom Menace made less money than any of the old movies - so, your logic is not sound :)

While most of these quotations sound cool, some of them are poetic, or aiming at beauty of expression rather than scientific clarity on the subject.

You know what bothers me most? (Almost) every time Warehouse 13 is described as having "some very good moments this time" and "two or three lines of clever dialogue" or "they made a very good joke in this episode!" Is it normal to say this for really good shows where all these things should be common, or just for the

If Murphy can't understand why DC would want the original author to work on eventual Watchmen sequels and why an author should feel so emotionally connected with his work, well - that explains the Transformers franchise and The League... ;)

The awesome aside, I think it will be pretty spooky for me to live in a city where you can see four straight streets all way up to the horizon from every junction, identical buildings repeating at same interval on each side.

Guessing here that mr. Daw will read some WH40K lore after all the rant ;)

I may sound a bit harsh: Seeing how much attention Warehouse 13 is getting, now I know why the fans don't get good sci-fi television: because they don't want it. I would say this show has no style, but that would be a mistake - it has plenty of styles, just doesn't know which one it is really trying too hard to get

Curious and rad, but no.

lol. Actually, doesn't look like Bulgaria at all - not because of the buildings in disrepair, we have plenty of those - but because of all those pointy rooftops. You should shoot for some place with more catholics, like Slovakia itself :)

Interesting, but - Poland bacoming a superpower just because it is pressed between two old superpowers and it "struggles"? Since when does this happen? #books

@Starlionblue: I have to disagree. Not that I think everything in the first season is shiny, but you'll never feel the same way with fifth season if it is your starter.

So, we have this brilliant scientist whose wife DIED! Oh, that's sad. But then we have Eli! Which apparently is living without a father and his mother is… VERY SICK! Wait, here’s the colonel. Crap, scratch that, he is apparently also VERY SICK! Look at this girl here, at least she has her father to care for her in