
“wonder why you hate middle America so much”

Probably because their entire political apparatus is based on spite and cruelty, their braying spittle-drenched lips spewing out an endless torrent of stupid, ugly viciousness for queer people, brown people, women, y’know - really anyone they can. And they’re too braindead

They’re dumb because they have no capacity to handle existential crises, and simply LEARNING ABOUT THINGS THEY DID NOT PREVIOUSLY KNOW counts as an “existential crisis.”

Wait, there’s a Barbie movie?!?

Dude’s name is Duncan Crabtree-Ireland

Elsewhere, Bloody-Disgusting has a poster for Bad CGI Gator, the latest tongue-in-cheek monster movie from Full Moon Features.

Could be worse.  Could be a slide show.

The movie would have been more popular if it stuck with its original working title: John Crater of Mars

Filet Rene

Marcus: “Indy! The Nazis have recovered the Staff of Moses and are delivering it to Hitler as we speak!”

That’s what makes the fact that the one XBone game I wanted to play when I got a Series X can’t be especially maddening. It’s not because it can’t physically run on the hardware, it’s licensing stuff, which should be a non sequitur for a piece of physical media.

Alternate headline: No Hard Feelings Filmmakers Say “No Hard Feelings” To Audiences With Hard Feelings About No Hard Feelings

Is this how rich white entertainers hook audiences now? By confessing how their excesses humbled them?

I feel like this is my reaction to every single thing on this site that I click on anymore. “Who wrote this, and why, and what made them think that spraying five incoherent paragraphs at it would enhance the tortured joke they seem to be trying to make?”

You Know I always wondered in their prime who would win in a fist fight Hackman or Murray. They looked very similar to me.


“Mmm, yes! They’re even better when you’re a world-devouring monster planet robot!”

Severance is fucking phenomenal.

“Hey, cool! You can run really fast, too!”

So is the pattern here that most of you chuds who are mad at American movies and wrapped up in American culture wars not even American? Because it’s not just you with the weird grammar, it’s a common thing with you guys.

English isn’t my first language, either, but I learned not to capitalize random words pretty early on. Do you have the IQ of fruit salad? :D