And that names roughly translates to:
And that names roughly translates to:
Worthless fucking thugs.
The irony is that there’s a 500% chance this little chucklefuck and his mother think athletes are unpatriotic if they take a knee.
This is just not true. Janet’s sales had been decreasing long before this. So had Madonna’s. So had Prince’s. Who do we blame for them?
I hope it turns out to be less popular than the carousel of progress!
Linda Hamilton has been very clear over the years that the only good thing to come out of her relationship with Cameron is her daughter.
Did anyone want the first one?
It was so bad. I worried about any dental work Billy Zane might have had while chomping on that scenery.
No one cares what you think James Cameron, and no one wants your Avatar sequels!
Titanic was the fucking worst.
This guy has been a dick for his entire life. And it’s funny how he praises his Sarah Connor character and Linda Hamilton’s incarnation, but then look how he ACTUALLY treated Linda, the person.
He can jump right into a lake of burning petrol.
Ucch there are few worse things than the “guess my age” game, because there is no right answer. It’s a setup; a manipulation to make you look bad no matter what you say. And it seems she succeeded at making herself the center of attention for the rest of the day.
This is generational. Ireland pre-Catholic Church scandals of the 1990s had 90% church attendance every week; post-scandals, it is now <10%. There are centuries of intrenched ideology at work here, but things are changing pretty quickly.
IIRC, the entire bodice was a tear-away, and he was supposed to pull it off, leaving her in a bikini or something. Instead, the inner bit came off too, exposing her boob (which conveniently had a pastie over it). The entire thing was stupid—Was Janet Jackson in a bikini too supposed to be shocking and thrilling? That…
You’d figure after 14 years they’d be allowed to show one boob on any TV after 8 o’clock. But nooooo. Meanwhile Gotham is Chopping peoples hands off and exploding them with RPGs in prime time.
Uhhm, Janet Jackson is currently touring the USA, playing in sold out sports arenas.
In other batshit Trump news, he is deleting all of his tweets that endorsed Luther Strange because he lost to Roy Moore.
When Trump announced the ban, he said he’d made the decision “in consultation with my Generals,” an assertion which now begs the question: And which generals might those be?
When Trump says, or tweets, anything it is always projection. If he says he talked to all his military leaders, it means he didn’t. If he says someone or something is losing support, it means he is losing support. If he says other GOP members failed to pass his agenda, it means he failed to pass his agenda. Whatever,…