
We can’t have our youth becoming dependent on the state with those unlimited, communist-style handouts of toilet paper.

So can we discuss the role country music played in this? Can we talk about the message that the artists on stage constantly preach to their fans about beer & women? Can we ask why don’t these people make better choices in life & why their parents didn’t raise them better? See how that works white folks. Oh and sorry

Fox “News” is on the job. If they’re not spreading propaganda about how “wonderful” the Repub party and its simpletons are, then they’re denying straight-forward facts.

Gun control is a white supremacist policy position. Disarm black men and give all the guns and surplus military equipment to thousands of Barney Fifes (or worse).

Americans prefer these stories to gun control.

Here in the UK in 1996 a guy walked into a school and began shooting children.

If 20 dead white elementary school kids in an affluent community didn’t do it, I don’t think anything will.

So, when will the white community do something about their love of guns and violence? When are they going to do something about their need to inflict pain and suffering on large swaths of people to make up for their own inadequacies. When are white people going to do something about their people’s terrorist tendencies

But don’t forget, boys and girls: he’s “not a terrorist.” Just a “lone wolf.” Up next: he had “mental health issues” and felt “disenfranchised.”

When we didn’t have a real effort after Sandy Hook to regulate firearms, it sort of became obvious we never would.

Most of the founding fathers thought that mass genocide of Native Americans, owning other human beings, and treating women who didn’t fall into the previous two categories as second-class citizens was totally acceptable. I don’t give a fuck about what they would think. We need to start making some common sense

It didn’t take long for one of the gun nuts to reply to you with some mindless drivel. What you’re saying makes absolute sense, but good luck trying to convince them to acknowledge even an ounce of what you’ve written.

The shooter will be a loser (if white man*) or a bloodthirsty degenerate (if man of color), the first responders will be Brave! Quick! Make Trump Look Good!, and survivors and victims’s families and friends will be divisive stooges for the Democrats and the snowflakes if they utter one single word about gun control.

As if the 2nd Amendment with its protections for wildly inaccurate flintlocks also equates to protections of civilians owning automatic weapons nowadays. Christ.

This is why USA needs gun control. Australia did it back in 1996 after the Port Arthur massacre; It was one of the few good things that the Prime Minister of the time achieved while he was in office.

Quick, someone handcuff Michael Bennett.

I liked these creepy blue f%$#ers better when I didn’t actually have to stand next to them!

Okay, I know this will sound kind of weird, but I get legitimately anxious when I think of how arrogant this whole “four sequels back-to-back!” plan is.


I like how both Weaver and Cameron have “get me the hell out of here!” looks on their faces.