While is definitely a positive thing, let us not forget that President Two Scoops signed a bill that allows mentally ill the ability to purchase guns.
While is definitely a positive thing, let us not forget that President Two Scoops signed a bill that allows mentally ill the ability to purchase guns.
This is going to end with Americans slaughtering Americans again, isn’t it?
I’m confused. So Columbia settled because Sulkowicz did such an amazing PR job in drawing attention to her case?
It’s never been about “life” whatever the fuck that means, but more about a bunch of inadequate assholes (mostly males) who are barely in control of their own lives wanting to control ladies... especially poor ones.
No one who is “pro-life” cares about protecting unborn babies. If they did, they’d support comprehensive sex ed, science, free birth control, morning after pills, IUDs, etc. The first priority of being “pro-life” is punishing girls and women. The second priority may or may not be protecting the life of a fetus, but…
They don’t care about the misery or, frankly, the number of abortions, unplanned and teen pregnancies, the deaths that their defunding health care for poor women will cause, nor whether the policies cost more money in the long run.
“We should not be teaching children, period, how to have sex.”
This ignorance is every day evil. This garbage exists among us everywhere. It corrupts our DNA, our very human nature. It is the reason humanity is garbage. This worthless trash should be removed from humanity for the evil she is trying to inflict upon teenagers. She desires them to have STI’s and unwanted…
Do you want toilet babies? Because not teaching kids about reproduction and safe sex is how you get toilet babies.
I love her side eye the entire time they are questioning her. She’s like “I know exactly what you’re doing.” the whole time.
The viral video of a black female state attorney in Florida getting pulled over by police officers who don’t…
Me so mourny.
RIP Fresh Kid Ice, I hope Tipper Gore pays her respects because 2 Live Crew made her lame ass more famous than she ever had any right to be.
Why does it have to be PG-13? Deadpool did very well with an R rating.
Fast forward to his Hall of Fame induction ceremony and this angry lil fella will shed a tear and write a Facebook post about how lucky he was to have gotten to watch him play.
And, let’s be honest, she’s actually overdressed on that cover by the standards set in the comic.
It sounded like a bad idea, then I saw the art. And now I know it’s definitely a terrible, no-good, very bad idea.
This is the meanest thing Deadspin has ever done to its readers.
People watch this show?