
The only thing I didn’t like about this movie is there’s nothing average about Peter. Goes to an accelerated High School where everyone is smart, hot girls crush on him, has friends, his bully doesn’t even beat on him (just slaps his butt?), Aunt seems to being doing fine financially, and has a “internship” from

Patricia: Yeah, there was more Tony Stark than I was expecting. I feel like I’m at a saturation point with him, though I understand why they did it.

There was no twist whatsoever. “MJ” isn’t Mary Jane. Her name was clear in the movie. It’s Michelle Jones, thus MJ. Them calling her Mj is probably just a homage to Mary Jane, but no she is not Mary Jane.

Club owner’s name is Martha... MARTHA!?...

Seriously. I’m half-Floridian on my mom’s side (which is similar to being half-Martian) and that entire side of the family has two types of names: the girls are named after the last relative to die and the mother’s maiden or middle name, and the boys are named dumb shit like “Bubba Joe Cracker XVIII.” End result: My

he was snorting cocaine or meth or something in the toilet. that was not “road rage”, that was some drug-fueled paranoia and delerium.

More specifically, nerves “run” on salt ions, such as the ones found in salt water. So exposing these intact nervous pathways to salt water causes the nerves to fire and muscles to contract.

“We take issues of this nature extremely seriously and have a zero-tolerance police for any professional misconduct,”

In America, we use words like “grit” to describe players who are willing to get dirty and like “captain” for those who will do anything for their teammates.

Catholics are Christians. But anyone who believes that the murder of Jesus Christ was necessary for their own redemption has a fetish for shame.

He is definitely the poster-boy for High School Jerk - Now Cop.

WTF is wrong with this guy and others of his ilk? Not only is that unbelievably disrespectful but you know he’d gleefully send “them terrorists” to a camp if he could. I lose more and more faith in humanity every day.

Next it’ll be: Congressman Clay Higgins, live from Sandy Hook Elementary.

Seriously. The Nazis weren’t “terrorists”—they were the actual government. And if you replaced every “Islamic” with “Jewish” in his little Facebook screed, you’d pretty much have *exactly* the official policy and rhetoric that led to Auschwitz in the first place.

The free world... all of Christendom... is at war with Islamic horror.

The X-Men franchise is a fresh cadaver sitting open in the sun with vultures and hyenas ripping at it’s rotting insides.

It’s telling, what this guy’s take-away from Auschwitz was. His response was, “Protect from outsiders.”

Yup, making the deaths of thousands of European Jews and other “undesirables” about how America isn’t safe anymore is right on point for a lot of Americans. Let’s conveniently forget that our government turned some of those people away to die in that very same gas chamber. To keep America safe.

“whether it’s a remake, a sequel or a theatrical rerelease of the original remains ambiguous.”

I confess to having wiped that weird Natasha/Bruce thing from my memory. Those were the days.