The larger problem, however, is having an agency in the first place whose mission can be significantly warped so that it justifies upending the lives of people who are doing nothing wrong except living here.
The larger problem, however, is having an agency in the first place whose mission can be significantly warped so that it justifies upending the lives of people who are doing nothing wrong except living here.
I don’t think it’s dementia. Sure, he may have it, but I don’t think that’s why Trump spouts such blatant bullshit. It’s a strategy that is stumbled upon by just about everyone who has spent their lives getting their own way and being surrounded by yes-men. Deny reality and push forward, because who the fuck has the…
It’s not that he doesn’t bother keeping up. He LIKES the idea of having the biggest and baddest hurricane. You heard him yesterday: it’s very big and very wet.
Was it a mistake, or was it the fact that everything associated with him has to be the best, biggest, and strongest?
Giuliani says “our recollection keeps changing”
These incidents should have a very easy, very straightforward solution. The subject in question is detained and must take the test required to become a citizen of the United States.
After being on edge watching endless coverage on the Israel Palestine nightmare, this made me completely lose my shit.
The minimum standard for being any type of law enforcement officer should be the ability to comprehend The Constitution.
Yeah, the joke fell flat. He may be a bit of a provocateur, but it wasn’t even “so edgy it’s funny”, it just wasn’t funny. If it weren’t for ICE’s complete overreaction I’d say he was just another Twitter troll. ICE showing up and making a big stink though suddenly gave this guy a spotlight he didn’t have before. Way…
If someone’s banging on my door, I call 911, ask for fire and rescue only, and wait for them to show up before I open the door. Homeland Security are still just cops and cops murder people constantly.
For every “hiccup” there is a quantitative impact on voter turnout and nowadays, turnout is the difference between sanity and Trumpism.
A friend got stopped the middle of Michigan at a checkpoint but he told them in a loud southern accented voice to “fuck off you Nazi pigs” and then kept asking if he was being detained. After 4 “am I being detained” they let him pass. Know your rights.
The part about using drug-sniffing dogs and handing over US citizens to police should be scaring the hell out of everyone. That’s very police-state-like behavior.
Why just seven? You’re predicting that not only will Dump’s grip on power survive Mueller and the mid-terms, but that he’s a lock to be re-elected. So why say the Dems are a lock to win the vote after that? If you’re gonna be performatively doom-and-gloom, go all the way and claim he’ll have suspended the 22nd…
Actually, they stopped him earlier in the day and the saw him later on that same day driving again.
This administration? The same one where Trump asked cops to be more aggressive with the people they arrest? The same one where Sessions supports Police departments above the people they are sworn to protect?
I’ll go with...the tipping point is reached if and/or when rich, pretty young blonde girls are publicly beaten by ICE agents. And by “rich,” I mean “daughters of important GOP donors.”
Let’s be fair, most cops take great pride in destroying other people’s property.