
Few movies, especially big budget ones, makes any sense if you keep analyzing them. Why the heck would an above-average archer, a woman with only a black belt and a gunslinger with no depth perception(Fury, one eye) running around with a god who can summon lighting in the Avengers? They are not even in the same

A new problem arises if blasters fire typical lasers: you can not deflect lasers in the way you deflect a hot dog.

In the movies, the blaster bullets are chucks of light with the size and shape of a typical hot dog, and fly at the speed of a frisbee.

Have you seen how slow the blaster bullets travels? Have you seen how slow the firing rate of a blaster is? Have you seen how shiny (thus visible) and huge the bullets are?

TED has not lived up to its slogan, "ideas worth spreading", for a long time.

Real games could tax ANY game engine and ANY gaming console to the max.

Even a machine gun can beat lightsabers. That's why I am amused when hardcore Star Wars fans take the movies so seriously.

Look what Snow White and Sherlock Holmes have become. What else do you expect from Hollywood?

Apparent hypocrisy has given noble causes, like human rights or democracy, a bad name, which is why nowadays, whenever we are accusing others of wrongdoing, scoffs are only the responses. Double standards have done the same to journalism, as Mr. Good had demonstrated here.

Their sales is just a number, which doesn't distinguish hard-core gamers and the others. A copy sold is a copy sold. That's why they probably don't care.

"Shut the fuck up, China, because Kane & Lynch 2 didn't speak well of video games either. Shut the fuck up, dude who sued Ubisoft, alleging his story was stolen by Assassin's Creed."

This is counterproductive.

Looking at the picture, for a minute there, I thought they would ask the pilot to use her two arms to simulate/control the rotor blades of a helicopter......That could be a hell lot of spins.

I've always been admiring the evil scientists' MO than those of heroes, since the former were of more brain, than the latter, which relied too much on brawn.

Can't wait for the porno parody of this movie to come out.

What a difference 20 years makes. Back then, Daleks couldn't even climb a flight of stairs. Now they can pull a stunt like this.

Who would collect babies around the world, if these two begin to film again?

What's the prize?

All women should leave this nation in an exodus, and show those religious nuts who's in charge.

With the full knowledge of the dire consequences, but still CHOOSING to jump off a cliff that one can't climb out, like a drug addict CHOOSES to get addicted, is the definition of stupidity.