
Let's forget the larger "why don't they use this technology" questions for a moment and just considering the following small ones:

What an incredibly stupid move, how can Bayonetta's M rated content suits Wii's family crowd?

There is a cross on the robot's chest. So is it a red-cross rescuer, or a crusading killer?

Quantum Leap in an endless puberty?

#3 "I am an inappropriate, sexist, vulgar and embarrassing person", fits the description of every "star" in the whole reality TV industry.

Looks like the last human in that Dr Who episode, Lady something.

The premise of this book sounds less ridiculous than JJ Abrams' ideas, which evidently, did not prevent them from being made into shows/movies. For instance, the setting of the new show "Revolution" is so stupid: electromagnetism has stopped working just enough to render generators, radios and combustion engines

How about an oath of some sort, to vow one's humanhood? Obviously oath can't go wrong, for otherwise our legal system, which is build around oaths, would be a big joke.

Is this season set in the '50-60s?

Again, why do the others even allow Batman to join the League? He's nothing but a normal, mortal human who is slightly fitter than the general population. He may be tough enough to fight the mentally unstables in an isolated domain, i.e. Gotham, but to expect more from him, like saving humanity or the Universe by

Looks like hypocrisy is not a unique trait of homo sapiens.

"This movie is another devious attempt, by the liberals in Hollywood, to demonize our job-creaters", the headline on Fox News would say.

No suffrage for women, people of color are not human, isn't this what the Founding Fathers had wanted, as evidenced by the original constitution? And, of course, the Foundering Fathers were always wise and right, that's why we should destroy cars and the power grid, and go back to riding horses and using candles.

there is an election center on Xbox Live?! there are registered voters on Xbox live?!

picture#4, Kristen Bell?

If there were ever a path to the Fountain of Youth, it would be paved by the corpses of the innocence who are slaughtered by the youth seekers. Just look at the atrocities humans have done to each other, and the world, for the pathetic rewards that are far inferior than eternal youth. Until we can find more humanity

Why should a sentient being, robotic or not, be enslaved by humans?

Find a foreign girlfriend/boyfriend. I had a Norwegian girlfriend in college and learned Norwegian out of necessity.

Virgin birth of a boy would be more difficult to explain, because of the Y-chromosome thingy. And this might be why, in the most famous boy virgin birth case in "history", the explanation had to involve the Almighty(not the band).

How about a map showing "Per capita" fuck you tweets?