This could make the drug problem worse, since people would feel safer to try, if they know there is a cure.
This could make the drug problem worse, since people would feel safer to try, if they know there is a cure.
Scientists are humans too, thus not immune to bad behaviors. When I were getting my graduate degree in an engineering department of a huge public university, rumors of misconducts were not rare.
One small suggestion, change the background. Get rid of the grey beams and only keep the desert and the blue sky. The grey beams give out a confined, prison-cell feel.
Don't worry. it's not like security screening, or International law for that matters, ever stop the CIA of doing anything. Even if all spies are grounded, those officially-nonexistent unmanned drones could still rain death to anyone the US doesn't like, anywhere on Earth.
Children who are named after a fad, should be given an automatic free lawsuit against their parents. The minimum punishment of the crime should be for the parents to relive and reenact, in public, every fad in the previous 30 years.
I went to Central Park last Friday and found out all the lawns were fenced up with signs read "closed for the season". So I had to lie down on the cold rocks instead of soft grass, just like the Doctor did in the pictures.
"If a nerve fiber in a developing brain can only turn in four directions, left or right, up or down,all the fibers are organized and more likely to reach their destination in an orderly fashion, and prevent neurological problems."
The ONLY necessary condition of the winner of the contest is: he/she ought to be exceptionally good at a few per-determined games. That's it. Nothing is required on the character of the winner.
It's kind like the X-files, as long as the two characters limit their relationship at flirting, the show is fine; but as soon as they have some physical intimacy, the show would not be far from cancellation, or worse, like the last two seasons of the X-files.
Bible is the most-printed books. But since it is not the #1 on kindle, does this prove that kindle owners are godless liberals? :)
The language question. "why would the girl speak Spanish in Brazil, a Portuguese-speaking nation?" Finally, in the finale, it was revealed that she's not local. Ok.... then, why hadn't she picked up Portuguese, after dealing with the locals for years? And how come she could understand English perfectly but spoke…
I've been FFW through dialogue scenes for the last few episodes. The dialogues were tantalizing and predictable.
Not shown on cameras. Could be vampires.
So, the 20G+ data needed for a 90 min 1080p feature film would somehow, flies, magically, promptly and flawlessly, from the servers to your Apple TV at home, thus kill the Blu-ray. Like, you know, everyone has a T3, the servers are always 10 feet away and the ISPs aren't greedy tyrannical bastards who charge an arm…
The study should say, "if there are not other more salient features, then this is how people recognize faces.
I actually enjoy watching some of the movies listed here, and enjoy them NOT in a the-movie-is-so-bad-that-it-is-entertaining way.
is there a similar trend of the male part of male-shep? Or just femsheps?
Working for the military, working for Google, what's the difference? Darpa have been funding the self-driving vehicle competition for years and Google has the same project. The next gen killer robots, like those in Joe Haldeman's Forever Peace, probably will be engineered by Google and funded by the Pentagon.
Any military officer who is stupid enough to share sensitive info with their Facebook "friends" should not be given secrets to keep in the 1st place. What are they? Real life Johnny English? I bet these officers are also the fabled, legendarily dumb, victims in the Nigerian prince scam.
The change from the bitten-die-zombie style zombie transformation to the "Night of the living dead (1968)" style whatever-reason-die-zombie transformation, makes little sense and is unnecessary.