Our society is a shining example. Just look at how USWeekly and TMZ have helped to "holding us together". And apparently, the Kardashians are underpaid, considering how many juicy gossips they have bestowed upon the whole society.
Our society is a shining example. Just look at how USWeekly and TMZ have helped to "holding us together". And apparently, the Kardashians are underpaid, considering how many juicy gossips they have bestowed upon the whole society.
The guy knows how to begin a story, but doesn't know how to close it with a decent ending.
"So, I will know that I am doing a great job—that the girl is getting an orgasm, when a yellow ring appears around a blue vagina." Many guys would look at the 3D image and tell themselves this.
Thought the picture was a screenshot from "the Sims 3"
"Playing Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer will require a constant connection."
I should thank whoever had contributed to fallout.wikia. Got a lot of help in locating those "Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manuals", even though I couldn't finish the game because of the frequent crashes on the PS3 version.
It's like committing suicide to protest against senseless loss of human lives. Why shut down the site when they can use the 12-hour period to do something far more useful/productive, like devoting the entire site to anti-SOPA ads?
Would like to see how the religious figures, like the pope or Pat Robertson, explain the discovery of aliens. I'm not saying it will be a hard job for them, since most people at their level are pretty good at "fabricating".
My Favorite Martian?
Just pretend to be a Muslim and yell "bomb" in a crowd, you can get "2002-2012: The reality" in Gitmo FOR LIFE, FOR FREE. The downside is, no whipping, just water-boarding.
Hmm, this could be a reason for me to finally find out, on my TV, the channel number of Spike.
Thank you. I'd promoted your comment if I could.
I thought Spike had been trying hard to be the Jock's channel. That didn't work well and now they want to be the Geek's channel?
my thought exactly
Transparent displays have been in CES for several years in a row. Nothing new.
Tell it to those in Gitmo or CIA secret prisons.
The question is, how many got the red ring of death and had to buy another one?
Is the story in Dark Souls even sketchier than that of Demon's souls? The attraction of this series' is that they are hard. I get that, but still, some back drops would be appreciated. I had no idea why the black maiden could put the old one to sleep and why the storm king or the old monk was the final boss in their…
Is it harder than Demon's Souls, which I put 80 hours in and found the most difficult part was the 1st playthrough?
Craigslist, if you can avoid the sexual predators and serial killers. I just bought Bayonetta for $7 and Fallout3 GOTY for $14 before Christmas.