
The conclusion is spot on.

Once again, spying is good and perfectly ok if we— the US—are doing it.

It's hard to find turn-based games nowadays. Even Fallout has gone FPS.

Money would cure most (not all) people's depression.

Video links?

I've been tracking OLED since 06. And its progress had disappointed me for 6 years straight. Will this year be different?

Wake me up when hard drive prices drop to the Sep. 2011 level.

Airlines would love those. The first laptop they can charge checked baggage fees.

The problem with eye-targeting is: where you are looking at may not be the place you want the cursor to go. For instance, in the 2nd video, you might look at the incoming meteors, but you certainly don't want your spaceship, which was probably controlled by your eyes, go there. This can only be achieved by including

All this talk of "left behind" is just to fabricate ANOTHER exterior enemy, so the US can put the passion and energy at hating "them/the others", rather than focusing on the problems at home.

This movie looks so bad that I want to watch it.

Doctor Manhattan, with his godlike omnipresence and omniscience, probably didn't see Watchman2 coming.

This is not that hard to create. Since sound can't spread in vacuum, just put the spy in a plastic bag and suck the air out. Bam! Instant (and permanent) silence.

"Update: Germany is now saying that the missiles are part of a legit arms transfer to South Korea. No word on why it was done in such a shady manner.

" Why, Hollywood, why? "

Did you mean both were ghostly white?

One great attribute of this trailer is that there is no annoying announcers announcing or big-font words flashing in it at all.

Dragons' reputation is ruined in Skyrim.

Relax, compared to the quantity of statistics in baseball, the amount of meaningless numbers in video games is negligible.

With residents who cannot even remove buckets from their heads, no wonder the land of the Elder Scrolls is always in deep sh#t.