
"Umbrella corp, here is the T-cell you've asked for."

These remind me of Resident Evil, the game series, especially Resident Evil 2, where the camera angles were fixed and the gamers were at the mercy of predetermined perspectives. I could not remember how many times my Claire run straight into the brace of a zombie after a change of angle. But that game was scary good…

If as the trailer says that the other Earth is a duplicate and there is another "me" for every "me", then how could going there be considered as a second chance? Is this a fugitive-flee-to-Mexico kind of second chance?

Sperm count and quality.

"Dogs can learn anything using positive reinforcement"

"The Many Faces of Facebook, the Internet’s Greatest Tragedy" June, 2013

Dr. Chaos, please flood Earth.

Better us than a mirror. Just look at what a blandishing mirror had made the Evil Queen do to Snow White.

Better us than a mirror.

More horrifying than the America according to Bahmann is the FUTURE America according to Bachmann.

This is a can of worms. How do you prove, or even know, who's the creator? How about messages on Twitter? How about news aggregators like Gizmodo and Huffingtonpost?

A true Palin.

Women of these states could have an exodus, leave only men and the women who want to live as the 2nd gender in there. Lets see how long the states can last.

She was too humble and greatly underestimated her potential. A serial killer can harm ,at the most, is a few dozen people, her victims would be counted by million.

a hugging(or kissing) sexbot is meant for women. A sexbot for men needs only a hand, or even less than that.

A serious question, what kind of porn do straight girls like to watch?

this Japanese girl can jump.

Kids think they are cool hackers need to feel good without actually coding; the media need to make a mountain out of a molehill to sell ads, if the real story is not sensational enough. Therefore, both sides claim DDos is hacking and nobody complains. Win-Win.

Urban Outfitters? Have never shopped there before. Probably will not.

This has been foretold in the movie "idiocracy".