
The system is the problem.

It's all great, but can she run and fight with her assets?

It's all great, but can she run and fight with her assets?

I've never said ALL mental illnesses are bogus, the point is SOME mental/psychological troubles are faked by the person who want to give himself an excuse or by people who want to sell drugs.

..or a popcorn.

Number of faps?

Your theory about the enslaved aliens is interesting. But the Overlords could have designed 6-legged robots for the enslaved race, rather than keeping recycling the two-legged ones. I am thinking we'd see human kids in those two-legged robots. Anyway, your hypothesis is good and is much more interesting than the one

I wouldn't have posted mine, if I had read your post before posting, since the basic complaints are the same.

The settings and the plots of the show have so many flaws, which make the drama look contrived and the story look unrealistic to the point of laughable.

Thought the title was a dirty joke and the picture proved it.

Optimus prime in G-1('85?) was, and will always be, the best!

Well, according to my ex, male humans can't hear ALL the things that females say, so it'd hard to say which gender wins.

Do we have drugs to go with each?

What you can take from this ruling:

It should not be hailed as a fantasy.

The last scene did not make sense.

You can't take military budget on its face value. Most is diverted to things that can not be acknowledged publicly, from secret prisons, black ops, mind control projects to the little grey aliens. They have to hind Area 51 financially somewhere.

Could have used a simple graph.....

It could be the coffin for a giant vampire. If it was ultra-secret, you can't be sure what was inside.

Where did you find "The Chinese will replicate absolutely everything, not only the buildings."?