
Due to limited budgets, this show will focus on the interactions between humans. There is nothing wrong with it, if the show were not SFIFI and the theme were not an alien invasion.

Ever know another concept known as "price"?

At least put "alleged" in the title.

How about a cavity search to verify identity?


Rewatching/reinventing a cartoon would only destroy childhood memories.

How about another prize for "the most believable", for the fake pictures that can fool most readers and experts? This could be more interesting and get more responses, due to the sheer number of photoshop and computer enthusiasts here.

Hello? how about the entire series of LOST? and every freaking show produced by JJ Abrams?

Most io9 readers' living habitat is a 3-feet circle centered at a computer monitor. How likely are we to find a living creature, let alone a crytid, in this area? On our occasional hikes to the bathroom?

"secret society of cat people-haters", dog people?

So whom are we gonna bomb for revenge? KGB's(or whatever it is called nowadays) headquarter?

How about put some WIN 7 laptop there for comparison?

"More people visit Apple Stores each year than the four Disney theme parks."

Those protestors in Bahrain and Saudi were not civilians? Had we done anything to help them?

You do know that "Epoch Times" has the tendency to exaggerate, right? like they had reported that 100 million Communist party members have given up their membership to protest the tyranny of the central government, or millions of Chinese children have been harvested for organs, etc.

"When we do it, it is legal and just." this is the motto of some of us. This could not have been demonstrated better by Obama's hypocritical reactions to the situations in Bahrain and Libya. The rest of the world are neither blind nor stupid, this is exactly why the US is losing the moral high ground in the eyes of

It is about the national interests of the US more than other phony reasons like democracy or freedom.

Youre right, the flotilla was a public stunt. It served no practical purposes at all. But from a PR point of view, it was a huge success. The Israelis fell right into the trap. Military victory meant nothing in this case. It was a PR war and Israel failed miserably.

Will we bomb Moscow, since this has been defined as an act of war recently?

Our patent laws, like other laws, work for money. If you have money, you can patent breathing; if you are poor, your patents can be seized by the legion of lawyers from the big corporations. M$, Apple, Goolge, Disney etc, have been doing it for ages. The patent and copyright laws were changed just for Mickey Mouse(TM)