
There are so many other things that can't be patented, food is one, recipe is another.

Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, just to name a few. Of course, they are shelled by rockets fired from drones, and the shelling is done by us rather from a "neighbor", so it is perfectly ok, right?

So, Google only fight injustices in countries the US and Sergey Brin like to hate, like the Arab countries and China, while in other cases, this self-claimed epitome of information freedom of all mankind is just a puppy on the congress's leash.

Consumers will never see this with TimeWarnerCable and Comcast still standing.


Someone probably needs a Porta-John.

To the target audience of superhero comics, scientifically plausible = boring.

George Lucas has milked and over-milked this cash cow for too long. He should have let it go when the brand of Star Wars still stands for something larger than life. In fact, he should have done this before the "1st" movie came out in '97.

How about "the intelligence of Superman"? How can he struggle with, fall into the traps of and sometimes is defeated by, both universe-destroying masterminds and common street gangsters?

Have any shows and movies produced by JJ Abrams EVER live up to the hype??

"feel free to submit current pictures of children under 18"

Excessive suntanning is not the first deadly thing that humans do for superficial attractiveness, nor will it be the last.

Pictures are so last year. Should have coded a program to record 720p videos.

gigantic waste of useful space. Several floors, therefore more seats and shelves, could be added to the empty space. I know architects want to show off their aesthetic credits, but a design ought to have a certain amount of functionality.

That series is going South quickly, one book after another. The characters do not have their own characters any longer. All of them speak as the author's alter ego and preach the author's own beliefs in unison.

What many people want to know about TOR is, "can I use it to download songs, movies and porno without MPAA, RIAA and the FBI on my ass?"

Humans. Always be able to find a reason to group people into either "us" or "them", then begin to hate & fight.

I wish they would NOT follow the plot line of the comic book. Knowing the fates of the characters makes watching the show less interesting.

Can the chasers just stay outside the safezone of a checkpoint and wait? If they miss a runner when he goes in, they get another chance when he gets out. As long as the safe zones are not mobile or changing, then a few chasers, with a little coordination, should be able to secure a checkpoint completely.

I feel "frighten, intimidate and emotional distress" when I see a picture of Sarah Palin. Can I sue?