

If this balloon is indestructible as claimed, why not use the material to protect satellites themselves?

Divide Windows based systems by the number of manufacturers and compare the quotient to the number of Mac/OS.

When will that superb "enhance" function from CSI be invented?

@Martian Yeti: I saw your explanation after I posted my own. I think we are talking about the same thing.

The speed in question is the MAX speed, which is nowhere to be found in the articles. They made it sound like it is a sustainable or the average speed.

Where are the bullets? Or are you supposed to use it as a club?

Not a well edited trailer, too long and too fragmented.

Not a well edited trailer, too long and too fragmented.

Why spend money on computer graphics to illustrate the process, when we can just document what is happening on this planet, then show it in reverse, we would get a "How Mars Can Turn Into an Earth" ;)

Even if the voting mechanism were to be perfect, nothing good would come out if the voters are stupid and ignorant.

Looks like a decent pen. But they should have priced it at $88, so the consumers it is targeting would value it more and have the desire to own it.

I'd be so into this if it were 1998.

CNN and other "news" media outlets should pay Twitter, since they are pretty much surviving on using twitts to fill air time.

@frigg: Isn't that the business model of a mafia?

Looks like something that is used to illustrate human reproduction organs in a 7th grade sex education class.

@bornonbord: They are going for the expression of Dyson=money=high social status. I doubt they would ever have a commonman version.

If just look at the 1st pic, I thought this is about the lost iPhone & police & mug shot.

@plmyshkin: Apple was like a substitute teacher—-just it is the kind in "The Faculty"

This is the best news I heard today.