
Why does the writer have to be in NYC? In this day and age?

What does a wired camera look like?

I'm wondering, what's the exact definition of solar eclipse? Does the shadow have to be made by the moon? Can you hold out your hand to block the sun or just close your eyes, and call it an eclipse?

One good thing coming out of video calls might be to stop people from taking calls in restrooms, I hope.

Animals can not be heavier than a certain threshold on land, unlike those in water, where the extra weight can be offset by buoyancy.

Which app will upgrade apps that upgrade apps?

When I leave home, I pull out my house from the foundation, put it in a giant safe and weld it airtight, because a normal door lock is so convenient and sufficient.


$100 probably can buy you 5 minutes of video, if the current trend of tiered pricing continues.

Since it is in Chicago and easy to draw on a blackboard, Glenn Beck probably will present it as a showcase of Obama's "Chicago-style-BigBrother-ness". And cry over it.

Come to think about it. Most clogging is caused by ads, the thing Google helps to create, proliferate and is benefited from. If Google is really serious about speed and user experience, it should cut the hand that feeds them. But I guess that'll never happen.

What's up with this recently surfaced obsession of "instantaneousness"?

What's up with this recently surfaced obsession of "instantaneousness"?

Jobs held up the X-ray picture, "Stop whining, this is the right way you're supposed to hold the phone."

The X-rayed person askes, "Mr Jobs, is my rectum holding the phone in the right way?"

How come? its Paris, it isnot like they are short on obnoxious assholes.

Anyone else read the last part as "Sincerely-the girls whore you are jacking"?

5 years of evidence gathering, 5 years of decision making, 20 years of appealing on both sides of the pond.

Chinese who think they are hip use Google.com;those who are not use Baidu.com.