
Instead of, you know, spending the money on bringing their economy out of the 19th century, softening the blow of increasing joblessness, offsetting looming budget cuts, fixing their infrastructure (which is horrendous, at best. Moscow is one giant traffic-jam most of the time), or even keeping the money in their

The Russian narrative, while it may appeal to simpletons, shouldn’t get past common sense scrutiny...

Other nations also don’t have the US military’s capabilities, it’s budget, or it’s experience.

Back during SECDEF Gates’ reign at the DoD, there was a study done by RAND (I think) that analyzed the cost expenditures/savings (short and long term), mission capability, and future force composition estimations— of disbanding the Air Force, and rolling its missions over to the Army, and Navy respectively.

Valid points, but remember that a lot of NK’s citizens are not only malnourished, but they’re chronically under-muscled, and in comparatively poor health.

See, I was talking with a guy who worked at the Pentagon basically formulating plans/contingency plans focusing on USPACOM, and he mentioned that the main artillery pieces NK has (that actually work/have ammo that isn’t 30 years old) have a maximum effective range of X amount of KM (can’t remember what he said,

All of the hijackers were Saudi.

You don’t have a fucking clue what you’re taking about.

Here’s the funny thing— Qaddafi possessed thousands of MANPADS that have never been recovered. We know he had them, we’ve seen the paperwork that says they’re supposed to be in inventory, and they were fairly new purchases at the time. Where did they go?


What the hell are you talking about? MANPADS had nothing to do with 9/11. Box cutters, yes. But MANPADS, no.

Uh, what does that have to do with anything?

That’s what I thought— No proof. Zero, zip, nada, Nyet.

Again, please cite posters besides you making that argument/distinction.

Huh? When has al Qa’ida used a MANPAD in an attack?

Try again. That was so poorly written, in such broken English, that it doesn’t even make sense, whatsoever.

Just because it hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean it never will

Well, we can file this one under “what could possibly go wrong?”

See, was that so hard?

I don’t think many in Congress would be willing to commit political suicide by voting to cut the LRS-B program.