Oh, I got my ass whooped every time. It’s just a simple trade-off: was doing it worth getting my ass whooped after?
Oh, I got my ass whooped every time. It’s just a simple trade-off: was doing it worth getting my ass whooped after?
RoK’s military is actually very professional, and well trained. I’d say they’re probably one of the best, if not the best, out of the Asian countries in terms of training, tactics, and professionalism.
“2ID was pretty much considered a speed bump, we were something to slow down a North Korean advance until reinforcements could arrive.”
“and made China look impotent as an Asian power broker.”
Putin doesn't want him anymore. Why do you think he's so angry?
Says who, you?
We’ve been over this, comrade. Cite my support for Saudi cluster munitions deployments. (You couldn’t do it then, either).
Don’t forget Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine (Holodomor), Finland, etc, etc
I actually find it quite humorous. It’s Russia’s latest generation of “Baghdad Bobs” who like their Soviet parents before them, actually believed the bullshit they were fed by the government, right up until it collapsed.
“Talking in circles, walls of text and Wikipedia links (lol)“
As a general principal: killing civilians in war either wantonly, or through complete depravity/indifference— is 100% wrong, and shouldn’t be tolerated.
The Soviets/Russians killed more civilians by starving them to death deliberately, than the 2 atomic bombs killed combined.
Yeah, didn’t think you wanted to go there again...
There’s that stunning brilliance!
Want me to post those “Russian caused civilian death counts” again, comrade?
Wow, who would have guessed it? You have even less of an clue about what you’re talking about, than usual...
I was kicked out of my physics class in high school (and suspended for that matter, too) for demonstrating “propulsion” by shooting myself down the hallway in the teachers rolling chair, with 2 fire extinguishers as my drivers.
“I’m pretty sure the tank alone will take out the bobsled track.”
I just wish NYT would have held off on this piece until after the Iranian elections later this month. The more moderates elected to the civilian government— the better.
Perfect. Make sure we go first, and after crossing the finish line, just whip the turret around and take out the track behind.