I highly doubt a Russian wants to get into a debate about what nation has mass-murdered more civilians...
I highly doubt a Russian wants to get into a debate about what nation has mass-murdered more civilians...
After the pure drivel you’ve posted, and your demonstrated poor grasp of even the most basic facts— I’d avoid calling anyone else an “idiot” if I were you.
No, it wasn’t a “crime against humanity”.
Oh, I’m in no way questioning Tyler’s writing. He’s one of the best (if not the best).
Because, we’d have no ability, or legal justification, to shoot fleeing forces?
If the goal was to annihilate Saddam’s retreating forces, wouldn’t allowing those forces to flee into the desert, so we can continue bombing unoccupied vehicles, seemingly defeat that goal?
Must be.
“In all, at least many hundreds but possibly thousands of Iraqis were killed during the coalition onslaughts, and thousands of vehicles were destroyed.”
Did the US government write the passages in Qu’ran which these lunatics have hijacked to formulate their apocalyptic prophetic ideology?
No, our inaction allows them to become more “powerful”.
Apparently not...
“Al Qaeda was called Poopistan in 1988, so what’s your fucking point? They weren’t shit until we pissed off the entire region, right?”
How do people like this get out of the greys?
Prove it.
Well, let’s clear a few things up:
It stuns me to this day that so many people don’t see the larger play behind the Saudi hijackers on 9/11.
A Battleship just doesn’t fit in with the current state of surface combat, or the future direction it’s heading.