The issue with ignoring people like Putin, is they become emboldened by it.
The issue with ignoring people like Putin, is they become emboldened by it.
Read up.
Turkey does possess the equipment to handle any situational incursions. However, if Erdogan feels doing so would spur a larger Russian retaliation, he will absolutely call in NATO assistance before, or immediately after taking action.
They’ve already begun lying about the incident— claiming all their drones were “present and accounted for.”
Russia is pushing the bounds in Turkey in an attempt to show the world that Russia doesn’t fear NATO, and to eventually force Turkey to request assistance from the organization— assistance Putin believes NATO, and more specifically the US, are unwilling, too indecisive, or too weak, to provide on any meaningful scale.
Very true.
I apologize if you took offense to my comment. That was not my intent.
I know “air superiority” hasn’t really been on the front burner at the DoD over the last 10 years. And, whereas the Raptor is a fearsome aircraft, at the time of its cancelation, I agreed with SoD Gates’ assertions on the program, and his reasoning behind its cancelation.
Don’t mean to bring up a competitor, but did you see the article in National Interest about the F-22’s not having the latest equipment upgrades for the sidewinders and the helmet cueing system?
What, are you going to do— send me to my room then?
“Please finish up that GED you’re working on before commenting”
“Jingoism is prevalent in those lacking critical reasoning skills.”
“No WMD was found because there was none.”
Funny, on one hand, people will constantly assert the total incompetence at the CIA. Yet, on the other, will continually assert that they’re directly responsible for most major geopolitical events throughout the world.
Isn’t it hilarious how propagandists and conspiracy nuts assert that people who don’t believe, or even know of, their cockamamie points of view/theories— are “absolute morons?”
That’s a nice “plausible deniability” stance, but I’m not so sure it’s seated in reality.
“They do have Buks in inventory.”
“If you wanna go down the line and list Soviet/Russian atrocities vs American/NATO I bet you won’t come out looking to great. Deal with the topic at hand. Quit being “that” guy.”
Are the sanctions preventing you from getting your meds, Ramon?