
More like, what successful Russian advanced aircraft and subs are you accusing him of missing out on? Their 5th gen LO fighter is stalled in development (it likes to catch itself on fire), their new long range bomber is so fucked they’re going back to the cold war era TU-160 Blackjack instead, and their best air

Not to answer for Tyler here, but he’s written about it before, and the answer is ‘Yes’ - it’s a huge problem that they’re not properly fitted with up-to-date off-boresight weapons.

Iraq was a substantially bigger foreign policy blunder than Vietnam by any objective standard except total US casualties (and there’s plenty of good analysis that shows the only reason US casualties in Iraq were so much lower was the combination of improvements in medical care and body armor, not because it was a less

I think Sanders was 100% correct and that Putin will ultimately regret going to Syria. I think Putin already regrets going into Crimea and Ukraine.

It gets even better. By inserting trolls in the comments of sites hosted in the free world that can actually report the truth, they’re only increasing the activity (read clicks, aka dollars) on said sites. They are funding their enemies with little to no gain for themselves. Keep spending those ever depreciating

“The worst part is- Russia is wasting money on these troll factories, and producing no results. Everyone is on to them. They aren’t changing anyone’s mind, or showing them to a new “truth.””

The discussion? We’ve had this discussion two-hundred times here. Now it’s end game. “Separatists” armed with advanced russion SAMs shot down an airliner. That happened. Now we can dispense with all the “nnaaaaa it was Ukie SU-25 (super-duper SU-25s since the engagement happened outside their performance envelope )

See, this is why everyone thinks you’re a Russophile at best and working in a St. Petersburg basement at worst.

The Russians are still claiming that they’re fighting an imaginary Nazi uprising and not the side effect of a bunch of false flag missions. Russia alternates between being psychotically violent and comically stupid at least twice a week.

Wow, so he’s a Nazi because he thinks(with good reason) that Russian trolls will attack the well thought out analysis that shows that it was 100% a Russian produced missile...and that it originated from an area that was definitely under control of the Rebels? Yup totally something a Nazi would say.

I spent an hour on this page alone tonight. Great article, well put forward and reasoned, and, as a bonus, some terrific comments also. Thought provoking stuff.

I think genesis of the situation as it sits has not been a strategic play, but yes, pulling back and watching Russia go broke fighting an ever-increasingly complex war is a possibility

It's an entirely relevant strategy that I will outline a bit more next week.

“Shouldn’t you be laughing about how effectively our AC-130 was able to attack a hospital?”

Boy, the Kremlin’s troll team is really earning that overtime today.

If you want to analogize Crimea with any American campaign in the last 100 years, I implore you to do so at length.

Uh huh. Whatever you say, Ivan.

Perhaps you saw this: