
Because Russians believe anyone who challenges their nonsense with facts, and reason- is a Nazi, or Nazi-sympathizer.

Wouldn’t the pilots themselves NOT want to fly over active SAMs - especially ones operated by Russia?

The worst part is- Russia is wasting money on these troll factories, and producing no results. Everyone is on to them. They aren’t changing anyone’s mind, or showing them to a new “truth.”

No they wouldn’t have.

Cart before the horse, Ramon.

I find it amusing that Russian’s assert that everyone who presents verifiable, reasonable, and factual information- is a Nazi. And then employs Nazi/Fascist-like tactics to make their point...

Now playing

Anytime I see someone truly asking what the “end game” for a situation is, I’m always brought back to an episode of the “West Wing” where the President’s Chief of Staff, Leo, is arguing with President Bartlet over the appropriate response to a terrorist attack in Palestine that killed American officials. (If time

“Putin is helping a dictator that at least keeps the place together.”

This is why I keep coming back to the larger theory about Syria being a “trap” for Putin.

From looking at the pictures provided, it looks like the F-117 dropped into a field. There doesn’t appear to be a village or dwellings within immediate eye-shot that would have yielded a large civilian population.

And, maybe there was no other choice.

Stealth doesn’t mean invisible to the human eye- especially the human eye enhanced by thermal and infrared optics.

I’ve always wondered why the US didn’t simply drop ordnance on the downed F-117 to ensure the sensitive materials didn’t fall into enemy hands.

Some simple planning, and not taking your enemy’s abilities lightly, would have prevented this from happening all-together.

The same thing was said for the Soviet Union, and look how that ended up...

The Syrian government was secular. It held no preference to citizens’ respective religions, and allowed them to practice freely. Assad’s outlook on religion was very similar to that of the US’ “Freedom of Religion.” However, by what your asserting, you’d have us believe that just because the US has a Constitutional

I think it’s obvious what Putin is up to with repeatedly violating Turkey’s airspace. He’s attempting to push Turkey into a position where they’re forced to request NATO for assistance- assistance Putin thinks Obama is too weak and timid to send, thus driving a wedge between the NATO members.

I disagree.

And the conflict was already dangerous before Russia entered the picture.

I highly doubt the government “button pushers” are sitting there with one finger on the button, and the other on the mouse scrolling through Foxtrot Alpha trying to decide whether to “push” the button, or not.