
No employee is worth $33 million a year. 

I just don’t understand why people take their seatbelts off if they are sitting there. If you happen to be walking to the bathroom and this happens, my condolences, that’s just crappy timing. But if you are in your seat, there’s just no reason not to have the belt on. These incidents happen frequently enough that

At what point does the driver accept responsibility here? I feel it is somewhere before it barrels into the side of a train, a ways before that. Still, at least it is trashed. Now don’t repair it, replace it with a regular car instead.

More importantly Boeing doesn’t even make the engines. If this is a factory/design issue, then it’s a GE, Pratt & Whitney, or Rolls Royce problem.

No matter what you think of the truck or anyone who buys them, yelling profanities at him, giving the guy the finger and spitting on/scratching his property makes you as bad if not worse of a person.

He genuinely doesn’t seem like a bad person or anything - it just sounds like he thought it looked neat so he bought one. I disagree with him, but I feel for him a little bit. Having people fuck with your car is always gross and awful.

Because unfettered capitalism exists only to boost the bottom line of the companies we want it to. 

I just saw this last week and it DOES end with Defying Gravity.

One of the most successful things about the musical is how tight the writing is. From curtain up until down, not a second is wasted, it’s positively breathless. Which isn’t to say it’s rushed, it just adapts the parts that it needs and leaves the rest on the cutting room floor. The two-parter thing really worries me.

Yeah, lithium batteries have two sides of the fire triangle built into it. All they need is heat, and once that has been added it becomes self sustaining until the fuel is gone.

Right next to the Don’t Step on Snek sticker!

Either I got Kinja’d, or I just forgot to include the incredibly important, “in Memphis” part of that sentence. It’s been fixed.

The thing that’s wild about racism is that people who hold racist views will say something as idiotic as this but somehow make us out to be the dumb ones 

Many would say the same of those that killed George Floyd.

Sad to say, but the owner probably got the best possible outcome there —- insurance pays her to replace a vehicle that has terrifying depreciation. It’s the only way she’d ever get close to her money back. 

I think this says more about business majors than it does about car enthusiasts. 

Older book now, but very good:
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
Jon Ronson nails ‘successful’ business people like Andreessen in this book, a very engaging and illuminating read, recommended...

Yeah definitely. Those with ASPD or NPD have one common flaw: they cannot self-reflect beyond their egotism. Without a superego, morals and ethics don’t matter to them anymore, but they can substitute with money and power as they reward the ego. This guy lacks humanity and sees life as a commodity, and thus dangerous

Came here to say this. He is an incredibly weird, oligarchical shitbag.