The government loves to make processes onerous when it comes to the poor and middle income but easy when it comes to the wealthy.
The government loves to make processes onerous when it comes to the poor and middle income but easy when it comes to the wealthy.
It’s not just disgust, it’s also fear.
Fat, dumb and so racist that Republicans say ‘Hey, maybe that’s a bit too racist!’ is no way to go through life, son.
So you’re saying she’s single.
This pudgy, sweaty, bespectacled internet commenter will finally take his shot!
From Horrible Bosses (2011):
BOB JOHNSON- oh, wait.
I’ve seen the pictures of this bridge. You aren’t making it across without an AMC product, an English Accent, and a slide whistle
They care about Baltimore like they care about The Troops: only when it's convenient
Visitors were particularly dumb about hot springs this past year. So many videos of people walking out to them, leaning over awkwardly and then screaming and cursing when the water turns out to be extraordinarily hot. I’m honestly surprised no one fell in.
It’s terrifying. I’ve been there and it looks like normal, often crystal clear water. You can even see bear or wolf tracks in them sometimes! And yet, if you touched it it would shear the flesh clean off you. There are no shortage of heartbreaking stories of people who learn this the hard way.
She spent the key years of Tesla growth doing nothing related to their myriad safety issues as a company, potentially putting others in danger all while hoarding money for her family. Erin called it tragic (she could have also called it ironic) which is polite given the circumstances.
Poor taste is only an issue for…
And just who do you think you are, bringing logic into an internet discussion?
They should just show the names and pictures.
Some of those are pretty notable, not gonna lie. The problem was compounded by setting this to an actual song, which I never like because it really limits them to the finite amount of time of that single song. (By contrast, instrumental background music can be played on an extended loop if need be.) And what made it…
Antisemitism and anti-Israel are two very different things. One is discrimination against a certain racial group, which any decent human-beings do not condone. The other is a political position against colonial oppression of a certain racial/religious group. They are not one and the same, you really should know…
The asshole in me cannot resist pointing out that she is in fact very good at pretending seeing as she has made it her entire career ;)
Of those listed, “Life’s Jake Gyllenhaal” stands out as the best suspect to my eyes.
Sergeant Major? We’re not going to talk about that at all?