
He imported it for sale which is the problem I think. Even though it is an auction for charity, it is still probably considered a sale and the state wants it’s cut. It would have probably been fine if he was wearing it and did not mention the auction.

I think Elons problem, aside from being a giant twat waffle, is the for most of his career he was treated much in the same way Steve Jobs was by the press and public, like some kind of tech “Jesus” figure who can do no wrong, ever. But turns out when you look even slightly harder they turn out to actually be terrible

Who says they can’t write well? That’s some AAA trolling right there.

False.  Every plane I’ve been on has a water slide. It’s just the cheap airlines save them for “emergencies” 

Curious to see what the expected costs are for maintenance, how downtime is planned for, and where spare parts are kept / how quickly they can be installed.


Anyone so reckless to bring a loaded gun to an airport ought not be allowed a gun. I’m not even sure they oughta be trusted with blunt spoon, to be honest.

I never knew a company that didn't retaliate against whistleblowers, sadly enough.

That checks out. The whole Styles thing was idiotic. He’s been flamboyant his entire career, and in 2023 that means he HAS to be gay or he’s violating some rule? Wanting to be inclusive in who you appeal to as a fanbase means you’re sexually teasing them?? Talk about a regressive social view. That’s the type of thing

Ehh I don’t know, most 20+ season shows do have a lot of episodes that are boring or unnecessary.  Rewatching 12 Monkeys recently makes me think that tight ~12 episode seasons are the way to go.

Terrorism involves political or ideological motives.  It’s not clear if either of those were behind this attack.

This incident has been completely misrepresented by the news media. NBC News reported that this was just outside Times Square right after the ball dropped (not accurate). They didn’t even mention it was the result of a police chase. Just some random terrorist mowing down people. And we winder why people outside of NYC

We did a 10-day train/bus tour that started in London and finished in Rome. We were in a new city every day or two. It was great, but it was also a lot of riding, a lot of loading and unloading and packing and unpacking, etc. It was a lot of fun but I wouldn’t do it again. From now on, we’re picking a spot and not

So they won’t open on Sundays, they’ll just make money from somebody else being open on Sundays.

Unarmed (presumably...doesn’t actually say) individual posing no immediate (once immobilized) threat to the public = let’s go in as fast and strong as we can.

I think he was white, so that wasn’t an option.

Try ot read into what the article is actually about and not your outrage at clickbait headlines

The franchise owners are using the wage increase as an excuse to eliminate positions and increase profit. Profit over people, and a perfect scapegoat.

It’s just as much bullshit as when companies declare retail theft to be

I tried that.

Maybe it is time, when an EV goes up, to just haul it to the side of the road, throw up some barriers, and let the fucker burn. I can understand the rationale of trying to put out regular car fires, you can extinguish them relatively quickly and keep the road open and safer for doing it, plus you might get something

They do sublet. Used to manage in university dining and large foodservice contractors often have contracts with national brands to maintain exclusivity in the proposal stage. At the time I was still in university dining, Chartwells held the Chik-fil-A contract and they would write agreements so that the space could be