From what I read on other news stories, this was a bomb and an attempted attack.
From what I read on other news stories, this was a bomb and an attempted attack.
Eyewitness and law enforcement accounts differ?! *checks calendar* Yep, day ends in a ‘y’.
Bond films have exotic locations and set pieces, a batshit world ending plot, fantastic gadgets, intrigue and the absolute barest of plots to get from point A to point B.
They’re saving that for the DLC... Spider-Man 2: Podcast Editor
There’s no kill like overkill
Material costs go up, energy costs go up, shipping costs go up, wages stay the same.
It’s also not unusual for these little towns to set up speed traps. It might be 65 coming in, but hit the city line and there’s a 50 tucked away behind a shrubbery.
Yep. FOX pulled it in 2019 then it reaired on it looks like only Nat Geo a year later.
*intense searching*
Any mutual fund or index has so many different components, it resembles a McDonald’s hamburger more than a steak. So if you have funds in a retirement account, you shouldn’t be worried about the fate of any single business.
Both given the Murica! position that a non-zero percentage of truckers have AND how trigger happy Memphis police are!
It’s a terrible thing! The normals aren’t supposed to have money!
I feel calling them ‘investors’ is misleading as well. They’re not ‘investing’ in GM. That was over and done with at the public offering (and even -then- it’s the underwriters who buy the first round of stock. Then the underwriters profit by selling their cheap shares to the masses. Like a pyramid scheme...)
There are millions of normal middle class Americans who are indirectly investors in GM who benefit from the growth and dividends.
Gotta fund that second season of Cosmos somehow...
More money going to workers means less dividends for the shareholders. Boo hoo. If you want GM to give you money, go work for them.
Yes, that was one of the tweets by O’Brien that set Mullin off. From June.
If only there was a way to stop shutdowns from ever starting to begin with...
The deputy did not pursue due to there being only one way in and out of the subdivision