*looks around* You mean...as opposed to now when everyone has to work until they’re in the grave?
*looks around* You mean...as opposed to now when everyone has to work until they’re in the grave?
But if people made good financial decisions, our economy would collapse like *snap*...
John Henry, meet quiet quitting. Quiet quitting, John Henry.
Please please please someone make sure LBJ’s coffin is sealed up tight. The last thing we need right now is some zombie Johnson causing a diplomatic incident...
The automakers are overreacting...to the -relaxation- of the rules?!
Not just more and more profits, but BIG profits. Like double digits big.
Nah, they’ll probably find a way to blame the strike. Prices always go up; they have to because growth must always go up.
Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article, specifically the last three paragraphs
especially if it’s help for something that most people don’t usually need help with to start
The younger Murdoch will become the sole chairman of both companies.
because literally doing an oil change could be life and death.
On the one hand, Jun-Jul 2022 was a spike in FL gas prices, highest on the table:
That’s why a guy who hits a little white ball with a stick can make more than a cardiac surgeon - a shit ton more, actually.
It always seems hasty in the moment to ban stuff outright. More convenient to think things will gracefully phase out.
Yeah, they’re more important. Lets see the CEO make their billions when they can’t find anyone to make a car.
And the loss of -every- line cook will break a company more than the loss of a CEO.
Big ol’ piss jug with a hose. I don’t think you can make up a better metaphor for how capitalism solves problems than that...
This is the same media that laments how much the economy will hurt if the workers strike. They know -damn- well what they’re doing...
$9,000 in gas? *looks outside at station in CA* So, like, he filled up his H2 once and dashed?