
*yawn* A vote in 2016 is kicking the can.  NO ONE was going to pass a LAW legalizing abortion.  Your strategy only works if no one votes a Republican as President -ever again-

It’s more Clever Hans than Dumb Dog.

He said the search was conducted after a drug-sniffing dog outside the bus signaled there could be drugs on it.


*looks up, looks down, smiles*

*pours one out for buggy whip manufacturers and switchboard operators

He made an agreement to avoid being locked up for a violent crime then reneged.

I disagree; an airline is fessing up to their mistake and trying to make it right? That IS newsworthy.

CNN has to chase growth just like everyone else, and just like other centrists, they’re sure as shit not about to start airing progressive material...

When you wear rose colored glasses you get used to ignoring red flags

Oh just smash-cut to the end and merge with DraftKings already...

And Democrat.

Capitalists ARE the government and vice versa, as Nancy Pelosi famously said.

“tumultuous economic conditions.”

being at the closing table for large, complex financial transactions between multiple parties gets pretty choppy using current collaboration tools when the primary parties aren’t able to huddle up directly

One of the rare times the rule of having a question for a headline is broken...

Well, that’s all well and good for your hypothetical company, but Blizzard appears to be chugging along just fine the way things are.

You can see FRED in action in with what is by far the jauntiest free music ever to grace a 1:30 of a traffic light in action


And when it doesn’t work next time, the comfortable centrists will loudly shout, “Sure, he’s a proven liar, but he’s not a Republican!”