
Except...they want unemployment because the Fed keeps raising interest rates with the -explicit goal- of raising unemployment and none of them are telling Powell to make it so people get hired.

We Can’t Even Pretend Drinking Is Good Healthy for Us Anymore

The short answer is, yes, gig workers are legally contractors in CA currently. Prop 22 ended up passing because gig companies ran a slick campaign. So it’s an uphill fight to first fix that (or override it on a federal level). Wouldn’t be the first time people fell for marketing. See also: recycling, carbon footprint,

Our Lady of Quiet Quitting

The US has a prison population of nearly two million.  Plenty we could release before we have to start making difficult decisions about the white collars in residence.

How is a company able to circumvent rules...

Then Uber can treat drivers as contractors: let them set the rates, let them freely decline fares, let them use whatever vehicle, et cetera.

The Uber app punished the CEO for rejecting certain fares...

Well, yeah, they could probably lawyer up a second reason (and a third) but they’d still have to make it different enough.

“We have laws to protect unions!”

AND he can’t be expelled for the same reason twice!

Note that you can’t duplicate this in the US because our Cadbury eggs are...*flips through Roget’s Thesaurus, Diplomatic Edition* ...different

Now playing

I’d say ‘free market at work’ but that hasn’t been true regarding milk for around a century...

With this and Wisconsin, good news for a change!

Do you want Pittsburghs? Because this is how you get Pittsburghs.

What did you think ‘free range’ meant?

What I’m hearing is a market for smaller birds.  Kentucky Fried Squab, perhaps?

So, we should just head off all these problems and nationalize freight rail?

This is the ‘liberal media’ I’ve heard so much about?

Does this still let studios do limited releases at the end of December just to qualify?