
They’re not talking about legislation, but business. Like, if Wyoming released Anti-CARB standards, you think car manufacturers would make a variation that could be sold in Wyoming but -not- in California?

$520k only 8 years ago? And they can’t flip it due to what is effectively cosmetic?

The Italians failed to take into account one thing: anything hitting anything on a Bay movie set explodes into a massive fireball. 

And this is -after- they read the behind the scenes stories of Roar

Absolutely no money for a child tax credit, though.  We have budgets to consider.

Reminded me of all the hate Tim Burton got for making the Alice sequel and Dumbo. “Why doesn’t he make those films that made him big?” I’m like, HE DID! It was called Big Eyes! You didn’t go see it and dude’s gotta work, dude’s gotta eat.

Or they can find a way to make a tax writeoff out of it.

No problem, I’ll just support their competitor next time. Once Madden starts losing sales they’ll have to make better product.

Sure, red staters will vote for Medicare expansion (South Dakota), protect abortion (Kansas), felon voting rights restored (Florida), higher minimum wages (Nebraska), marijuana legalization (everywhere)... you know, things Republicans don’t and will never stand for, but voting for a -Democrat- is still a bridge too

“Mid-season finale” makes no sense as a collection of words and should never be used again.

And here I thought it was a Ben-Hur homage.

AKA Men paid obscenely for playing a game.

I’m sure they’d be shocked, SHOCKED! to know a -Walton- also has a say on who the new coach is.

Thanking the toilet bowl is timeless...just for different reasons now.

But the problems at Southwest have been brewing for the last two years, employees familiar with the problems told CNN. Cut-throat staffing and low investment on improving technology in the name of—what else—investor profit have created a storm more perfect than any bomb cyclone from Canada could dream up.

Oh that’s good. That’s really very good. Someone retweet this to Rian!

How can we pitch clean water for Flint as some anti-Russian action?...  TONS of money for that.


They really learned their lesson after that $100 million fine!

“We used to wrap his presents in lead foil so he couldn’t peek!”