
I have to agree. If you're going to blow money on something of no value, at least do something of interest.

Please pardon me for failing to see this as being a pleasing/intriguing/thought provoking/otherwise notable photograph. Someone just got ripped off of a lot of money. Hope that they like having an uninteresting photo hanging behind their couch.

It does certainly seem that roads decrease in quality the further north you go. In my home state of Tennessee, we have some great interstates. But, we also get an inordinately large amount of funding for highways, and much less severe winters than my current location in Pennsylvania. But Pennsylvania also has a few

Historically that's the cheapest day and time to fly. I do a lot of flights leaving on Tuesday and returning on Thursday or Monday.

Just got a round trip from Philadelphia to Nashville on US Airways for $238. About $100 cheaper than Southwest, which isn't saying a lot, considering that it's almost ALWAYS around $300 between PHL and BNA. So much for it being a cheap airline...


If they're finding 4 or 5 a day, then I'd imagine that there's 4 or 5 a day that go right through without them ever realizing it. I'm sure a lot of individuals with concealed carry permits have had "Oh, CRAP!" moments after they got off the airplane and realized what they had done.

Anyone who buys this needs to be punched in the face.

How about a review of headsets that, you know, don't cost half the price of (or the full price of) the device they're going to be paired to? I don't use a Bluetooth all that often, and I'm not about to go drop $130 on one when I can get a decent one for $25-$35 that is perfectly functional.

I work for an IT company that does work with the healthcare sector. The vast majority of people I speak to on a daily basis are still using IE7. Many of them are using IE8, and almost none of them are using IE9. In fact, from my completely anecdotal experience, there are as many hospitals using IE6 as there are

Not to mention the potential for sending chunks of the moon into unstable orbits around earth that could themselves caused significant damage.

Because it tastes like a big pile of nasty ass grease. Which is slang for, it tastes like amazing.

"According to LOT's president, the Boeing 747 is the youngest of their fleet and was in perfect condition." 767, not 747. #corrections

I would like to note that my Motorola Droid (old, 1st gen) with an extended battery lasts, on average, with moderate usage, between 24 and 36 hours.

Really going to have to improve map data, especially in rural areas, for this to work. The way Google Maps is right now (and pretty much all GPS map data), road outlines in rural areas is very rough, often dozens of meters off target. Having a turn appear as a line on your windshield 100 feet before or after it

The whole part about corporate sponsorships and requesting to know about any other speakers involved kind of makes sense. He doesn't want to get associated with a corporation he doesn't agree with or associated with/railroaded by speakers he isn't aware of. Typical PR and image management stuff. The rest

Exactly. Reach in your pocket now and if you have change, there's a good chance some of the coins will be from the 1950s or 1960s. A dollar bill is lucky to last a couple of years.

What @Traveshamockery said.

I'd probably chalk it up to some angry rebel who's family had been tortured or killed at some point by Qaddafi's thugs, not some grand CIA conspiracy.

Thanks for scarring me for life with that picture.