
Just in the interest of accuracy, the Dole Kemp site is up because it's being preserved as an example of one of the first internet campaigns. It's not up just because people forgot about it, it's maintained as an education project. Not exactly the same as a "page time forgot" like some others are.

What's this about modern airliners just having engines under the wings? The DC-9/MD-11/717 is still one of the most popular intermediate airliners, and most regional airliners and business jets being produced today have their engines mounted at the rear of the aircraft.

"i am a police officer and believe me i wasnt going to let anyone skip me."

That's just awesome... And I wonder how many cars got rear-ended when that happened to fly over.

Didn't Giz already do a story on the artist that did the majority of these images a while back?

First 8.53% of Foursquare...Twitter's linkup appears to be borked at the moment though.

As a note, I tend to run a few patches of gun oil (like the can of RemOil you can get at any sporting goods or general store) down the barrel after using powder solvent.

I hope they do some major improvements to imagery and mapping in rural areas. Bing Maps has infinitely better imagery across much of the rural US. I've been active in MapMaker fixing the biggest problems in my neck(s) of the woods, but there's a long way to go still.

How is it somehow worse to walk two blocks to the MicroCenter next to my house, pick out the part I want, buy it, and walk home, than it is to order it on NewEgg and wait to get it a day or three later? Assuming the parts are comparably priced, that is, which they often are.

Was just about to post the same correction. Definitely should be "tamping rod."

Ahhh, okay! Sorry for the false accusations. :)

Except they don't exist in any form like the image you posted attempts to insinuate.

I don't malpractice insurance would ever cover this. Malpractice insurance only tends to cover cases of misdiagnosis or negligence, like leaving a sponge in after surgery, filling out a wrong prescription, or performing the wrong operation on the wrong patient. Things that even the most careful doctor could

And my new background image has been set.

Doubtful. There is a distinct difference from the US and Iran: in the US, if you raise a stink about the government doing something egregious, then you don't get sent off to political prison and executed.

I don't think the criticism is directed towards the engineers, mechanics, or pilots of the JSF program, but rather the politicians that tend to place pork and flashy slogans before reality. Which has led to a program that ran wildly above expected costs and has yet to produce a truly viable weapons system.

FYI, there's no need to link to the image in your posts...

And still do, in limited circumstances. I recall having to pull microfiche documents for diplomatic records and declassified intelligence reports while doing graduate research, and I finished that was just three years ago.

You can't seriously make that argument when it's written with an opening line like this: While individually cheap, the cost of your streaming subscriptions can pile up. If you're feeling the pinch, check out Splitflix. The new service facilitates splitting the cost of your Netflix and Hulu subscriptions with another

If Netflix sees two different IPs that are any significant geographic distance apart using Netflix regularly at short intervals, they can and will notice.