
Yep. Rarely will you see me one the side of the sue-happy corporate types, but this definitely deserves the wrath of both Netflix and Hulu's legal teams. I'm disappointed Giz is even promoting it.

Wow, Giz, I really can't believe you're advertising this. Not only is it a blatant violation of the TOS and downright dishonest, it's probably illegal in most places and comes off as incredibly shady and a good way to get your info stolen in no time flat.

As a Southerner, I'm required by certain state laws to own a number of bow ties, and I believe it's a capital offense to be caught wearing a clip-on or pre-tied fake tie in most jurisdictions. I, of course, have no problem with these laws, and believe they should be exported to the North, where I currently reside.

Actually, I could see the insurance companies being all for it, as it would reduce the number of doctors visits. Of course, they'd have to get the doctors and hospitals to work with them to keep from being it billed as such. Honestly, while the insurance companies can be real pains in the rear at times, and have

Working on my Class A rating right now, and I must say that while it can be a bit nerve wracking, short of having horrible phobias, anyone can skydive.

A Merkava, of course.

Not if the 15 year old was, you know, incompetent, like so many 15 year olds are.

Hey, as a proud possessor of a southern drawl who pretty much despises NASCAR, I take umbrage!

My father, a law enforcement officer with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, has a few stories of run-ins with deer. Usually, they involve idiots who think that they can raise a deer as tame. Those that don't kill it in infancy by trying to feed it human formula end up with a large, wild animal that no longer

If you read the linked story, you'll see that this isn't the first time these idiots have been involved in something like this. Apparently, the police have been involved in cases previously where the unfriended daughter felt she had been "slighted" by someone. Here's to hoping the DA tries to get her on accessory or

It's Russia. Crap from the Soviet era that's been poorly maintained over the last 30 years blowing up is probably not that uncommon.

Impressive that he landed the plane. More impressive that a drug cartel didn't immediately ambush them and steal said airplane/kidnap the passengers.

Still, helps to have hydraulics to the brakes, flap actuators, etc., and to keep power going to your electrical system. So long as the engine isn't overheating, it's a very good idea to keep it going.

This could be a great PR coup on Redbox's part. Now they're getting coverage like this directed towards people who already dislike the Luddites that run the MPAA and the various studios, thereby increasing Redbox's standing in the eyes of the reader. I for one will be looking to Redbox more than I previously did,

Glocks are very good firearms. I've fired, cleaned and worked on a number of them over the years, and really have very little negative to say about them. They are incredibly reliable, durable as can be (I've yet to see a spot of rust on one that has had even cursory maintenance), relatively accurate, and easy to

This reminds me of the old adage, "The only thing capable of replacing a DC-3 is another DC-3."

Ah! Wish I had seen this challenge. Got a couple of ideas in my head before even looking at this. All around great work though, everyone.

Most certainly. They're all susceptible to this sort of bad influence. Problem is, the Democrats have been placed on this pro-technology pedestal, and they don't seem to be so deserving of it anymore.

Oh I agree completely. This is a bit of evidence that the Republican party is beginning to come back around from its big-government conservatism of the Bush years. Regulation isn't necessarily a bad thing in some areas, but this is just scary legislation.

Not unsurprisingly, but all the Senators from the biggest media production centers in the country, New York and California, are supporting the bill.