
The entire city of Philadelphia appears to be in full-on freakout mode right now. A coworker who was leaving early just said that the commuter trains were absolutely packed, and have been limited to a 25mph operating speed in case of aftershocks.

Verizon's network is jammed up in Philadelphia, too.

Is anyone else entertained by the fact that this post was sponsored by BlackBerry?

What he said.

Wow, $99 is absurd. Wonder if there's anyway to put Android on it... hmmmmm...

While I agree that the improved testing does create vastly improved product, the amount of that that is extraneous, combined with political intervention, creates products that are functionally obsolete when they are released. Take, for instance, the V-22. It was originally designed to carry a jeep. Now the military

Give the guy a break, it's a pretty legitimate question, especially after further explanation. No need to be asses about it.

The F-35 is a prime example of what happens when an engineer's worst nightmare comes true: a jack-of-all trades aircraft is designed by a committee. It was doomed from the beginning. But we've spent so much time and money on the project that we can't just up and cancel it.

Yeah, I'm thinking turret would be more appropriate. Unless it was some sort of uber-maneuverable seeking missile...hmmm...

I had owned it for going on 10 years, so I was somewhat attached, to say the least...

In all seriousness, after a cyclist was attacked on a trail I frequent in the string of mob attacks in Philadelphia, I've been considering ways to carry while on my bike.

A Lexus GX... Pretty much just a Humvee with leather.

So long as she manages to only hit telephone poles and not other people, that's fine by me.

Go drive through Philadelphia or any of the major roads in the suburbs, especially in the winter or spring, and you'll see scenes like that on almost every block. There are places where I almost wrecked my car because I was travelling the speed limit and hit bumps so bad that they actually pitched my car 1 to 2 feet

Serves him right. I hope the 17 year old girl that wiped out my beloved old Jeep Wrangler (while it was parked, mind you), rendering it a total loss, while texting loses her licence for a few years. Unfortunately, this is the United States, where we have crappy roads, BS speed limits, and no idea how to create

It means the keypad still won't work.

While I agree that most of these images aren't terribly graphic, the Time-Life series of books and videos have played a much larger role in dumbing down and oversimplifying history than this photojournalism exhibition ever did.

On a quantum scale is it even possible to understand what is happening at any time during any event, sporting or otherwise? I mean, if you can't measure an atom's location and speed simultaneously, does that mean you can even understand non-atomic level motion and location?

I want to plus one that.

My first thought was Galil, but it's definitely a Swiss SG551.