
I have to agree with you there. When one looks at what the Japanese Empire (and the Soviets and the Germans) did to defeated peoples, compared to what was shown to Japan by the United States at the end of the war, it really puts it all into perspective. Perhaps we had ulterior motives in that we needed a bulwark in

Ey? Ah, but dontchaknow, we can't make it too big, it'll just be too flashy for us. (That was supposed to be said in a terrible Canadian accent)

You know, I love my Droid, but at the same time, I often miss the simplicity and durability of my old Samsung flip phone. Damn you, Google/Motorola, for making me so reliant on your phones!

Amen. My friend, it sucks that you lost your job, it really does, but when your company or business is working on a broken and outdated model that cannot adapt to changing tastes and technologies, then it is going to fail. Some video sales and rental outfits manage to succeed by serving niche audiences, such as TLA

And this is the key:

How the heck did GM make a .84 percentage point increase in market share making the crap that they make? I'm driving a Chevrolet Malibu as a rental car supplied by insurance, and it's the biggest piece of crap I've ever driven. At it's best it's the epitome of mediocrity. It's not a cheaply priced car, but it's

How the heck has GM's market share gone up .84%? I am driving an almost-brand-new Chevrolet Malibu right now as a rental car from an insurance company (my beloved old Jeep was hit while parked...sadness), and it's the biggest piece of crap I've ever driven. No power, the interior sucks, it's poorly constructed and

Am I the only one that doesn't see what the big deal is here? Seems like a program designed to help members of a particular faith cope with the destructive power that has been placed at their fingertips, as well as a philosophical exploration of the use of force (albeit admittedly a rather shallow one). So, in short,

Not necessarily. The amount of money spent to get a pilot trained and to maintain their qualifications on an F-16 is astronomical. Even just considering the cost of fuel that they burn through a few years of training and then every year to stay current on their ratings is immense.


After Netflix's decision to screw over their streaming +1 DVD subscribers, I would love to have an alternate streaming service. Unfortunately I really haven't found one yet. I would jump on Hulu in a heartbeat if they could actually become truly competitive with the plethora of streaming content available on Netflix.

At both my current tech position and my previous one that I held in college, the most common resource for curing computer issues is not some complex manual or repair guide...it's Google. And if Google can't find it, then someone somewhere on a tech BBS has probably had the same problem and can tell you how they fixed

Really sad to see this go, but I'm not surprised either. From people I know who worked there in lower to mid level management, it really sounds like their top level people really were driving it into the ground. Expansion was way too aggressive, creating stores that in the end competed with one another (I can think

Thank you for correcting my error in typing!

Mmmm...the sweet smell of a peat bog with a cigar in hand...

I don't think it's quite fair to call VOA the US' propagandist mouthpiece. They just reported that the US had denied the claim. They didn't say it didn't happen, merely that the US government was denying it happened. A propaganda piece would just say that it didn't happen, not that the government simply claimed it

I refuse to feel sorry for the individuals who destroy the bathrooms in the train station I use daily, urinate and fondle themselves in said train station, and feel entitled to ask me for my hard earned money without exchanging any good or service.

These things are GREAT for making pulled pork BBQ. Take it off the grill and they yank out chunks of it that are perfect for sandwiches!

It's an Australian company, first off. Not Austrian. Second off, they are built in Mobile, Alabama. Read the article before you go off on a rant and stick your foot in your mouth.

I took a minute to read up on the BREPL's report (the anti-nuclear group that is against this site, beautiful website by the way...or not) and was unable to find claims that would stand up to any serious inquiry. Their discussion of fault lines makes it sound like they're trying to build on top of an eastern San