
Indeed! Used to walk past there almost every day at work!

It's not Alabama's Tennessee Valley Authority. TVA is a Federal entity. It's being built in Alabama, but it is no more Alabama's than are NASA's facilities in the state. #corrections

Thanks Giz! Checking my emails now, looks clean so far though. Definitely a great service here.

Intriguing ad, but I am not going to be switching from my old school single blade safety razor. Definitely a fine example of not fixing something that isn't broken! Shave soap with a brush and a little oil plus a good single blade Merkur equals best shave ever outside of a talented barber with a straight blade.

I really don't believe it's too far fetched to be a bug. Honestly, I'm not sure Sudan's government even has the technical acumen or interest in monitoring email usage. Syria and Iran, certainly, Algeria, possibly, Sudan, unlikely. Even with Syria and Iran considered, it's still very easily explained as a bug. And

So it was a bug instead of a massive conspiracy to undermine civil rights. As usual, the simplest answer is often the most accurate...

Hey, some of us humanities majors know a bit about atomic weights and mathematical theories. The real trick is finding a math or chemistry major that can discuss constitutional law or Plato's ethics.

This guy *really* likes Anime and IRC. It'd be interesting to see a log of something more than just IRC chats, though. Ah, nostalgia.

Meh. For better or for worse it's where most of ancient recorded history has taken place. And you're forgetting that a large chunk of those blips were in East Asia and the Western side of the Mediterranean. Just because Europeans were recording and saving their historical records, and said historical record is being

@Steven Michael: I have a beat up old Jeep Wrangler with a spare that's the same size as the rest of the tires, and it has come in handy a number of times. Frankly, not having a spare tire is just a bad idea. What happens when you're in a new or unfamiliar area that is lacking in cell phone service or your charger

Yeah, I figured people would get it. I just wanted to be a smartass.

Couldn't decide between interesting side note to this, or snarky comment, so I'll do both. I'll start with the side note:

When I was living in Knoxville, Webb was often known for some kind of kooky tangents, so this isn't all that surprising.

@tw@t: I say shopped... The angles of the guns on the wall aren't quite on right. And that's a lot more than $50k worth of weaponry. A single functioning M2 would take up a large chunk of $50k by itself.

@113Doctor: I suppose I'm quite unreasonable, then.

@Alex Paul: Amen. All of the mid-to-high range luxury cars are just so boring now. You're spot on when you say that they seem to have all drawn to the same median design and stuck with it. Must be more of a design-by-committee aspect to it these days...

Flyers get screwed over by the airline and travel industry, who woulda thunk it?

@ProudGeek: What does this have to do with right or left wing nutjobs?

@nachobel TOTORO!: Picture 1 is a Tornado (looks like RAF, although it could be Luftwaffe). You're indeed correct that 2, 3 and 5 are F-22s, and 4 is an F-15C.