
My dad was actually just recently talking about how when he was on a flight from Elmendorf AFB in Alaska to Berry Field ANGB in Nashville, TN on board a KC-135, he spent the majority of his time down in the boom operators compartment, just staring down at the Canadian Rockies and Great Plains on the way to Tennessee.

@duck: I've been trying a few different blades by getting the mix packs off of Amazon. So far I think the best may be the Merkur brand blades that came with the razor, though.

Meh, I go old school. I'm all about my Merkur safety razor. Just a better shave, really...

@gstar: Definitely love me some free samplers. I've found a number of new artists I'd have never heard if it weren't for them. And Amazon's selection of them is pretty great.

@picrad: They didn't make a movie about Bill Gates, ergo no one cares...

@DARSFOG: I posted a similar comment in the last article on this book. At least this one is more about a Q&A than the previous, which just seemed like blatant advertising.

@JaCooP: My point exactly. Since when has Giz let people get on here and use the site as a place to sell your own products?

@The Lab: Seconded on the last point.

@Koiios: Yeah, I saw that. When you look at the #bodyhacks tag though it has 3 articles, 2 of which are about this same book written by the author of said book.

Wow, that's just absurd. I've taken to keeping Facebook in an incognito window to keep all these annoying "See what your friends are saying" things from coming up, and in the process alleviating the feeling that Facebook is following (stalking?) me around the internet.

Shouldn't this be tagged as an advertisement? Or am I completely off base in wondering why this is on Gizmodo? Lifehacker, maybe...

That's one way to avoid paying increasing public transit fares.

Wow! I'm guessing this automatically saves offline map data to the SD card... Looks like I may be able to completely ditch the Garmin if this works out as good as I expect it will.

@pjcard: Yeah, to my knowledge it was never conclusively confirmed. This is definitely something that would have to be a beyond-a-reasonable-doubt confirmed, too.

Wow, absolutely incredible. I look forward to hearing the actual announcement.

Almost $250 US for something I could make by going and buyinga $1 bag of soldiers, heating up a metal bowl, and dumping them in.

@madog: There definitely is a convenience factor for Macs, that's something that they have perfected. Standardization is definitely a boon for that.

@siwex80: If it is the case that their agreement regarding having Apple approve some of their items stated that they could not produce and sell items for Apple systems that were not Apple-approved, then they are certainly in the wrong for violating the agreement, and Apple was pretty lenient on them to just request

@Jergos: No need to be an arse about it...