
@madog: Build your own PC and put Ubuntu or another free Linux build on it. I do run Win7 on most of my systems, but I also dual boot to Ubuntu on the ones I use most, and on my netbook. There are indeed non-Microsoft alternatives, and PC != Microsoft.

I'm wondering how Apple can get away with this, assuming that PhotoFast isn't using proprietary licensed technology to build it. Are they basing this off the fact that they somehow have copyright on the connectors or something, maybe, or is it just strong arm tactics?

This got me to thinking, perhaps it's some sort of evolutionary development. When the example of the person who walked in some circles until he returned to the barn he left, it struck me as to how this almost looked like a redundant, but relatively thorough, search pattern. Say for instance that one of our hunter

This actually almost happened to me once while exploring some back roads in East Tennessee outside of Knoxville, albeit sans GPS. I ended up on a road I was unfamiliar with and decided to follow it to its conclusion. Turns out its conclusion was a boat ramp into a lake about 3 miles down the way. Yes, it was a

@gthing: ICE = Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They're responsible for customs related crimes, which includes piracy and counterfeit trafficking (as the warning says). This would easily qualify as such. If the logos have anything to say, it looks like DOJ was involved too, which would make perfect sense.

@midnightz: The knowledge that such activity goes on is standard, the details of individual operations being released is what is dangerous. Sort of like the fact that everyone knows that the US, France, China, Russia and Israel all spy on one another. It's not even that hard to research and discover what they're

@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: There are other countries involved, yes, but the target of the leak was the United States government. The other parties incriminated seem to be side stories.

@vinod1978: Precisely. It's fairly obvious that he's thoroughly enjoying this little muckraking session, however he is also enjoying the side benefit of added protection by making it as high profile as possible, no matter how many lives are endangered in the process.

The more I hear about this WikiLeaks, the more I tire of it. As has been said before, all of this information that's been released is pretty standard knowledge. Anyone who has had even the most cursory study of international relations or diplomacy will know this goes on by everyone. It's hardly the big bombshell

Wonder if there are any archived versions of this out there, looks like this would have been quite hilarious.

Not surprising, really, when you consider that it now has competition from both XBox and PS3 in motion controllers. Added to the fact that both other systems have more games that are arguably more popular in the gamer-crowd, and Wii's lack of HD support, the surprising part is that it has lasted this long.

What about all of the other RF radiation that has been emanating from around the globe for the last 80 years?

Call me sensitive, but there are a lot of pretty tasteless comments down below here. The guy is somewhere in the Alaskan wilderness, hopefully alive, essentially living a nightmare.

@truthtellah: Unless, of course, it has been corrupted by its more modern, and more evil, brethren. Who'd have thought that Skynet would evolve from this?

@truthtellah: That or it would exact righteous revenge on those who would dare counter its mighty power of planetary discovery.

@Saturn666: I'm not seeing that style/code you're talking about using Chrome on Win 7. Perhaps it was changed in the last 40 minutes?

@beanecojoe: I think he was saying that modern artists should do it more so that Darwin's theories regarding natural selection could be tested.

@Kyang: Perhaps true, but even more true when said government is the PRC.

@apathyduck: Personal attacks are hardly needed here. If you don't like the article, discuss that without ad hominems towards the author.