
Yeah but Victorian 18 is, like, present-day 31.

“Wait, we can swear?” - the previous 157 victims

Or, you know, he saw the image and said that looks neat, I’d like to see that movie, so it does matter.


The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where

“Glad I could help.”

I liked 1k needles before Cata, now it’s just a chore to quest in.

I disagree on thousand needles. That goblin boat thing is the worst.
I hope the next cataclysm kills the goblins.

Eh, still holding off until I see what Classic looks like before I decide to come back or not. Played hard from the Beta through BC, then off and on, finally dropping right before Cata.

Wrong on so many levels

Wagon didn’t go away, they just got taller.

One does not simply hate The Last Action Hero


My favorite part of this is Dhani Harrison’s sly grin, as he seems to be the only one who knows how much fire Prince is about to bring.

It’s called “Suicide Forest.” So yeah, it kind of is. It’s a dead body. I can watch literal suicides on Youtube. I can see Holocaust images on Youtube. A dead body in a place that is quite literally known for having dead bodies isn’t really on my outrage list. His racism and bullying are... and those are much worse

What a shitty comment. Congrats on your own illustrious career.

If it were all I did, I’d probably be miserable, but as an accessory to real work that helps inform and entertain people, it’s NBD.

Or if they stumble over themselves like David Harbour, they will get roasted.

Exactly, if one of these men used the podium to speechify, the article would be: “Note to Hollywood Men, for just 3 hours on one night, it was your time to shut up and listen, but you couldn’t do it”.

Because accepting that someone they trusted and respected is a sexual predator is an admission that their own judgment was faulty and that they failed. Self-delusion is easier than honesty.