
there’s way better content out there. just sayin’.

this is the present, retard

the biggest problem with the FF7 remake is that it’s not a FF6 remake.

only recently then refers to a game from 8 years ago.

i am kinda with ya.  Roadhog’s is pretty dope.  I like the ana ghillie suit, but it’s kinda like whatever.

i dont get how she’s sexy?  she’s dressed like fuckin tom cruise......

especially since it doesn’t cycle like d.va or orisa or zarya

i love it, only the face is visible, and this is your take.

hey nathan, it’s ok to not like a game, or even get tired of one you do like.  you don’t gotta parrot this SJW bullshit like a mindless fucking dumbass though.

i like how de-aging a character to show what she looked like in her prime overwatch days somehow makes her a lithe sex kitten.

it’s also okay to grasp the basic concept of the event.  you know, the archives?  their appearance from the past?  that’s why zarya is in a weight lifting outfit, and tracer is in her cadet uniform, and the talon characters are in their talon outfits, etc. etc. etc. are you a fucking mongoloid? lol. what a fucking

i’ll take “It’s A Video Game for 100, Alex.”

yet you can’t rationalize the fact that it’s a video game? lol.

the fact that it isn’t a permanent emote is crazy.  legendary emotes should be gifs that cycle.

her body is like that i assum because her rig is so heavy she has to lean forward to get center of gravity proper.

the hood is thrown back, but good try though.

because it’s the archives event.  some of you fucking retards are so caught up in the SJW perspective of this shit you can’t see it. lol. every skin in the archives is a throwback skin of the character.  get it? the archives? from the past?

the one accessory i always pull off is a condom.

the one accessory i always pull off is a condom.

the one accessory i always pull off is a condom.

the one accessory i always pull off is a condom.

this is a stupid childish take.  you’re pretty much taking the stance that since you didn’t get what you wanted when you wanted it, that any later attempts to provide said desirable thing would be shunned.  fucking dumbass.