
holy fucking shit, a well written article on kotaku that doesn’t immediately descend into blind cancel culture cheerleading.

nothing is sacred anymore? lol.  cancel culture would like to have a tear soaked word with you while it kicks and screams about someone else’s feelings that probably weren’t even offended

you needed someone else to tell you this?  lol.  it’s been super fucking obvious, that’s why there are legions of people who wonder “what the fuck did these ladies do to get started besides getting fucked on camera?”

we call em cots in ‘murica.

this just in: random things aren’t the same.

it’s a shame these employees are enslaved and have no ability to extricate themselves from their positions....

i wonder what would happen if females actually made games instead of getting period cramps and bitching all fucking day about how they’ve been slighted.

so a net loss, then...

came here for this

addition by subtraction.

imagine your daughter getting body slammed by a dude who had his body mutilated in a girl’s wrestling tournamet.

i love me some titties

am i actually in before all the butthurt fuck boys crying about guns in games? “but it’s pokemans!” they’ll say. lol.

oh hey while you’re at it, never drive with your windows up again. because you can sort of hear more stuff with the windows down. /s

deaf people are allowed to drive. your take is fucking retarded.

their own countries do that, to all of them, all the time.

oof.  too much carebear bullshit on this site anymore.  gay as fuck.

lol what a fucking cuck.

I have this same thing going on with my right hand, just below the middle finger. Burnt myself as a child when my dad left me alone in a room with a space heater. Had a skin graft from yep, my groin, and now I occasionally have a couple hairs that grow under my middle finger.

where you been?  we’ve had paid updates since the 90s.